Emotional wreck!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Hi ladies!

Im not even through my first cycle yet and I allready feel like an emotional wreck with the whole trying for a baby thing and iv no idea why, I cant imagine what some of you feel like who have been trying for a long time. I cant really talk to anyone else about it because we are not telling anyone we are trying and I dont think they would understand anyway. My hubby is great but I feel like its different for men. Iv been the happiest iv been in a long time thinking about having another baby but then (like today) I will just cry over the most silly little things and I dont even know why! what the hell is wrong with me?????

Baby dust to everyone and good luck to everyone testing this month hope theres are lots of BFPs xxx
chin up my love, it will happen! the less you stress about it, the better. enjoy having sex lol and just go with it! try and relax. i cant imagine what its like as i wasnt ttc when i fell pregnant, but i can imagine it being quite stressful if it doesnt happen first time. but hey, it will happen when it happens. i wish you tonnes of luck, just enjoy xx

I;m the same as you....this is my first month of trying and already it's all i can think about....Although if it does happen, I will be absolutely terrified....I just want it to happen, more so I know I can get pregnant. I'm 34 and this is my first baby....first time of trying. I suppose in a way it's great that I have never accidentally fallen pregnant and this time it is planned and we are in a great poisition...so bring it on

The only advice I can give is just to go with it, take each day at a time and you are feeling so upset cos your hormones are everywhere. I was on the pill and already I can feel the difference with being off it....feel mroe emotional, in lots of ways.......just trying my best not to stress. Fate will decide when my baby will come and that's that really....

Good luck xx
Thanks ladies.

Well this is our 3rd baby. 1st was an accident, i hate saying that as my oldest daughter is the most wonderfull child and she made me and my hubby so happy we were only 18 when we had her but allways stood on our own 2 feet and worked our second daughter was planned sort of we wanted another but wasnt 'trying' we just stopped trying not to get pregnant and it happened straight away. So this will be the first time of tracking when im ovulating and things like that im taking pregnancare conception and hubby on wellman, quit drinking (not that I do anyway n hubby hardly) healthy diet and exersize. Its just all thats on my mind I feel like everyone and there dog are pregnant at the mo or have just had babies and it makes me think about it even more Iv chosen what pram I want cant stop looking at baby clothes im obsessed I really do need to try and relax about it a bit I think. We are going on a little weekend away around the time I ovulate this month haha so fingers crossed.

Lots and lots of baby dust to you x
I know how you feel. Each month when AF comes round I become this huge emotional wreck. I tell OH that it's just PMS but a lot of it is disappointment.

Just try and relax and keep trying different things. And I took a couple of months off from actively trying and just let it all go to see if anything would happen. It didn't but it made me feel relaxed enough to go back into it with a fresh head.

You're not alone. :)
Thank you.

Think we have decided to have 3 months of just 'see what happenes' and not get too stressed about it than if nothing does happen we will try something else ect. Trying my best not to get too obsessed about it. Feels like a whole lot of waiting for things to happen, waiting for ov, waiting to test, waiting for af! I dont no what id do without this forum to talk about it all knowing everyone is in the same situation and going through the same emotional rollercoaster! the support is lovely xx
Yes it is. I've not been too active on here before now but I'm trying to post a bit more and talk to people because here's the only place where I know people are in the same boat as me.

We're trying different things to spice things up and bding every other day the whole month. Each month we try something different. I think I'm going to try OPKs next month as well just to reassure myself that I am oving and I might go back on to temping and checking my cm as well.

I know what you mean about the waiting. It's good to find things to do to distract yourself. Then you'll suddenly realise that you're only a couple of days away from testing.
Feeling a little better now but this morning I think I cried about 5 times over such silly things but iv just been sat thinking today how lucky I am and I just need to de stress and chill out about the whole thing and look forward to out little gettaway this month!! :)

have you recently come off the pill? when i came off the pill a few months ago i was an emotional wreck it was awful. If so then dont worry it wont last long!

Good luck and try to relax and enjoy trying, i think thats when most of us got our bfps - when we tried not to stress over it too much x
Yeah that will be it thanks hun Im gona relax and enjoy this month haha x
I'm gonna try and relax too and not make it too clinical. But I have just ordered some clearblue digital ovulation tests as i have been on the pill for so long, i have no idea what ovulating feels like! ha ha...i also don't know how long my cycle is...this is the first month off the pill so next month i will check for when i ovulate and then i will know for the months after....are the digitial clearblue ones the most accurate? x
Good luck. You're one step ahead of me. Im already obcessed and I can't get my bloody coil out to start trying
samsgirl-I think first response are the most accurate hun but not 100% sure.

Tracey-Do you know when you are getting your coil out yet? why cant they take it out for you.

i use the clearblue digi ovulation kit every month and i've found it really good :) xxx

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