electric breast pump

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TBH I've never seen or heard of one so cheap if its electric. I doubt it will be very good tbh. There is a reason the pricier ones are popular I reckon.
Also I just noticed your LO is just over a week old, that might have a lot to do with how long it takes you to express one feed. I started to express at 5 weeks old and I only managed 1 oz in 30 minutes. Now I dont have that problem and the milk flows great and I usually get 9 oz in an hour. It might be best to wait a while till after 6 weeks or so to express again you might find it quicker and easier, 6 weeks is teh recommended time to allow your milk supply to establish.
Thats the breast pump that I got and it's not completley electric. It sucks your nipple in to the pump but you have to press a button to depress the suction to make the 'sucking' action which makes it about the same amount of work as a manual one really!

I can't really say what it's like other than that, I only tried to use it last week to see if I could re-lactate. It did work but having used the hospital one I can say it was nowhere near as good as that, the hospital ones do all the work for you.

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