Elective C-Section - anxiety


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2014
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Has anyone been successful in getting a ELCS booked in for anxiety?

My first labour was almost emer CS but in theatre they managed to deliver with forceps and vontouse. I don't want to go through that again and have been requesting an ELCS since 20 weeks. I'm now 32 weeks.

I was referred to speak with a registrar the following day who was patronising and brushed it off. She did and agree for me to speak with a consultant for a 2nd opinion and that went okay in that he agreed for me to have one at 41 wks but he wanted me to give my bodya chance. Something that I don't want.

I've been having CBT sessions for almost 3 months and they aren't helping at all.

I've got a follow up with consultant on 18/05 & I'm just wondering if anyone has had an ELCS that hasn't been recommended on medical grounds. I'm aware of NICE guidelines etc.

Thanks in advance x
I asked bout this as i suffer with anxitey. So much so when i found out i was pregnant i had to think hard about it as labour truly scares me to death! I wanted and planned this baby but suddenly it hit me i had to give birth. They told me no as it was not medical im now 34 weeks on fri and still shitting myself. I can understand why ur scared. I thought as long as you talked and went for sessions it was up to you. Is that not one of our rights to choose how we give birth? A lady at work had a horrible experience and she choose a c section and got one no trouble. X
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The NHS is not actually allowed to refuse you an elective CS even if there are no medical grounds. I think some times you have to be quite persistent though. Just keep saying you have chosen to have a CS. They can require you to do counciling and need to make sure you understand the extra risks etc. Personally I am much more afraid of mayjor surgery than labour but I've had good birth experiences so thats easy for me to say :).
BUNNYN - That was my understanding, that I could ask for it and they'd talk through all of the risks but then give me a date. It's just a lot more of a gruelling process than I expected. I even said that I wasn't enjoying my pregnancy as much because it was hanging over me. After my first labour we didn't want to do it again and it took a lot for us to come to the decision to try for another. It's so upsetting. I just want them to agree, give me a date and then let me relax.

I just figure, I almost had emer CS last time after being in labour all through night, baby was stuck and distressed. If I'm going to have th surgery I'd rather it be on my terms in a controlled environment thus making it safer.

BLUE CLASS - I'm really surprised you've juSt been told no. If it's something you're passionate about, I'd push again. I just can't settle until I know it's agreed. Xx
Maybe they're just trying to get you closer to the end of your pregnancy in case you change your mind? I don't have experience of a section but I did have an horrendous birth with my son. He was my first, and after 36 hours, an episiotomy and a 3rd degree tear it took a long time to recover physically and emotionally. I was petrified the second time around buthe the thought of a section scared me more than the thought of going through a traumatic birth again. The birth of my daughter couldn't have been more different - 4 hours from the very first gentle contraction, very short established labour, and a natural birth with no tears or anything. No pain relief either. It was great, probably about as perfect as a birth could get. So my point is - just because it was dreadful the first time round, doesn't mean it will be again. It's worth bearing that in mind at least x
In having an elcs on Tuesday. This has been agreed since 12 weeks and I've had no issues. My reasons are
I had a emergency last time
My bmi means I'm more likely to need a cs
I refuse to get to 9cm and end up with a cs again because that was just too much but stress and anxiety
I can plan for being out of action for 6 weeks
IM statistically more likely to need one because I had one last time 1

When hey ask me why I state these reasons and then I tell them that I have looked at all the pros and cons and statistical data as made an informed decision. It's your decision at the end of the day. You just fires dig your heels in if its the birth you want.
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I went on an NCT antenatal course last weekend and the lady running it said that by law anyone in the UK can choose to have a c - section (something I had no idea about) so I would definitely be persistent, say you know you are entitled and they shouldn't be able to refuse you xx
Keep pushing for it if that is what you want. Maybe ask your CBT therapist to write a supporting letter. There is also a standard PTSD questionaire (I think it is called 'Impact of Event Scale' or something like that) that your therapist could use to assess how badly your first labour is affecting your feelings about this one. The results of that might also support your request for a cs.

It's easy for them to have criteria that says 'Yes this person needs a CS because they have X disease' but it is so much harder to tell the difference between who is just nervous versus those who really are scared to go into labour. The more paperwork you can throw at them the better.
It's because a section costs so much more than normal labour. Keep fighting it as your entitled to one. We are allowed to choose how we give birth it's not for them to tell us. Threaten them with going to your local paper, your MP ect. This is not the time for you to be stressed out and they are making stressed which is not good.
In our trust you cannot elect for one if you haven't had one before or there are are no medical concerns. I have hypermobility syndrome, with my first I developed severe SPD & SJD as a result of my condition, I requested a CS and the consultant sternly told me NO! Gave me a lecture as to why and the dangers as its " major" surgery, risk of infection, recovery time etc.
I again this time will raise this with the consultant, however my concerns are slightly different this time. As HMS is loose ligaments, I am worried about the recovery after a normal birth being my second delivery.

Weighing up my options
- A normal birth with chance of normal recovery as I have a toddler to get to nursery....
- A C section and a 6 week recovery time restricting me to drive and lift toddler etc....
- A severe prolapse, an operation to repair & a 12 week recovery time - I know a woman who has the same condition as myself, she experienced this after her 2nd delivery and needed 2 ops following birth both being a 6 week recovery each time.

I had in my head at the start, a normal delivery, a quick recovery, until the latter discussion threw a spanner in the works. So, we will wait and see whats what. x

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