Eight weeks on...

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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And my AF still hasn't arrived...I haven't pumped for about a week, and I'm just wondering when I can expect it. I was as regular as clockwork until I got pregnant, every 28 days on the button.

Does that change? And I also had very painful periods. Does THAT change? I would dearly love to know where I am cycle-wise so that we can make sure we don't get pregnant again until we want to - and I won't use the pill. Only barrier methods for me.

Is anyone else in a similar situation and able to tell me how your AF returned and once it returned how it felt? I have thought it was coming a couple of times recently but no sign.

And I am definitely NOT pregnant, because we only resumed full "cuddles" recently and with protection.

I stopped bleeding around 3 weeks after the birth then had nothing at all till Aimee was 8 and a half weeks then I bled for 15 days straight. I used to be every 28 days and it lasted for around 4 days. Don't know what to expect this month but I hope its shorter.
i had a c section but stopped bleeding after 2 weeks then hannah was 11 weeks before i got another which was really really heavy it has took 6 months to get back to normal
Hmmm- thanks tommy. You see, I had a c-section too, and bled for about 6 weeks straight, but just postpartum loss, it wasn't a period. I now just have the creamy white stuff (sorry TMI I know) and no sign of AF. I expressed and fed for about 6 weeks too, which I think is supposed to delay things more...


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