eeewwweeee disgusting


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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i came home from work today to find my poor dog has had terrible shits (sorry cant spell di####eah or whatever it is) the worse of it is that because she has HD she walks when she goes so as you can imagine she had done it all the way up the hallway and up the stairs, now Henna NEVER goes in the house and i only work for 4 hours but im worried her feeling in her back end isnt so good and she cant hold herself so much now. :(
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Is she an old dog?
no she is just 2 but was diagnosed at 6 months so we do count our days with her but most of the time she is fine, well as fine as she could be.
poor thing, not a pleasant job for you either. what is HD by the way?
Aww poor thing! Was it something she ate?

Does HD mean Hip Dysplasia? If so my dog has this & had to have a hip replacement when she was 2 :( shes made a great recovery though :D
Yes HD is hip dysplacia I wont have her hips replaced as it is both that would need doing and henna wouldnt cope with it as she cant sit still for 2 minutes she also has other problems but i love her to bits.
Awww bless her :( It's awful when they have bad joints like that.

My Bullmastiff is almost 3 and she has got HD in both hips, she also ruptured her cruciate ligaments in both knees so she's had two operations for that and she going to see the specialist this Friday as she's now limping on her front leg and our vet thinks it's elbow dysplasia :( She's still a happy sole though and we love her loads :D Good job she's insured though!

Hope your fir-baby gets well soon :hug:
the stupid dog in question :roll:
Aww hot stuff she looks like a right little character !!
Hopefully she feels betta soon !!

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