Eeek is this it?!?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

Started having painful (though not excruciating) contractions about an hour ago. Been recording them on this app on my iPod and the average duration is 89seconds and the average interval is 5minutes 3 seconds... at the moment I'm just on the birthing ball as I really dont want them to just stop eeeek dunno what to do, they feel like very sharp stingy period pains and they really hurt but I'm not like screaming in agony or anything like that. I've got no paracetamol in the house and my local shop is closed now so cant get any. xx
Sounds very much like it! Hope it doesn't stop and your baby girl is here for you soon xxx
How exciting another labour watch!! Good luck, looking forward to updates xx
:shock: Ooooooooooo...another hubby on gas and air soon :shock:

Good luck lovely :yay: xxxxxxxxxxx
Hope this is it for you hun, best of luck xxx
Aw good luck and hope this is it for you hunni xx
if your coping ok wait till they r about 4 mins apart and ring hospital but would get things all ready to go sounds very promising !!!!! xxx
omg! We have the same due date! :shock: Can't believe that it's already happening for you hun!

best of luck! Will be watching this thread very closely :) Please keep us posted! xx

They're still coming but they've start ranging from 5-10 mins apart and they're not getting stronger or more painful, just staying the same :( I hate my body playing tricks on me its so frustrating. Arrrrrgggghh!!! x
well it definitely sounds like beginning of something! xx
OMG let another labour watch commence!!! Really hope this is it for you hun :cheer: xx
Thanks guy but I dont think anything will be happening tonight, theyve slowed right down now :( I wouldnt mind if it only went on for half an hour but they went on for like an hour and a half - thats why I'm so annoyed now :( gonna go to bed and sulk!! xx
have some sex....that'll kick it off again...he he :)

actually get some sleep.....u are going to need it x
ooooh this is sooo exciting loool

What are we all like the last couple of days!!

Lots & lots of good luck, it defo sounds like things are starting for you, keep timing!!

Eeeeeek, wishing you all the best lovely, hope things get moving soon xxx

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