
Yeah we use aptimil comfort milk too :yay: didn't get very far I'm afraid. She just said change washing powder ands its prob worse this time of year cos of central heating :doh: he has tonsilitis now so I've been sorting that out and put this to the back of my mind.
thanks guys,

Tiny, hope Morgan is OK, bless him
have been to docs today n she said noa got really bad eczema! we got doublebase cream n bath oil plus hydrocortison cream.. :( i feel awful for not goin to docs before today, i only just thought he naturarlly had dry skin as demba have n hv said few weeks back he gets it fron dembas side..
Seb has eczema that was brought on by lenor fabric softener and johnson's baby products. We were prescribed e45 cream which made it worse (and I'm allergic to it) so I bought a body cream from tesco (think it's called baby organics) that has lavander and chammomile in it and I put lavander oil in his baths and it's completely cleared up!
Oooops also stopped using lenor and johnson's products
Well I've had a new perspective on this skin rash he had. I mentioned he had tonsilitis at the same time as this came up. Well OH has had tonsilitis since wednesday and this morning came up with the same rash!! I think OH has scarlet fever :doh:

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