ECV - advice needed!


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Aug 5, 2008
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I'm 37 and a half weeks and my baby is breech. I went for a scan with a consultant at 34 weeks and he told me that at 37 weeks if my baby hadn't moved I would have to decide whether or not I wanted them to try an ECV to turn her. The consultant said he wasn't really in favour of them as they only had a 40% chance of success, but if I really wanted one there were other consultants at the hospital who would perform the procedure. If not I would be booked in for a c section which he seemed to think was the best option.

Based on this and my morbid fear of giving birth naturally (lame I know!), I decided not to go for the ECV and am now booked in for a c section on 18th August.

When I went back for another scan yesterday, I saw a different consultant who made me feel really bad for not going for the ECV as the c section is more risky than a natural birth. Now I don't know if I've made the right decision - any advice would be appreciated!

Sorry I have no personal experience with ECV, my LO is currently breech but its not something I see as an issue yet only being 34wks. Do whatever you're most comfortable with, and remember baby could still turn before your c-section so you could have a choice of natural birth with baby in the best position :)

Very best wishes

There is also the option of giving birth to baby in the breech position;
I would look into moxibustion. It's had lots of success in turning breech babies. Local midwife centres offer the treatment. It's not invasive and involves burning a special type of incense very close to your little toe ( I know souncs a bit airy fairy but the statistics don't lie!).

I can understand your dilemma, my baby is transverse at the moment. Not sure if ECV is still offered in my case but it's something I'm preparing myself for.

It's not a pleasant experience by all accounts but for me I want to avoid a c-section at all costs so will go for the ECV if it's offered.

I'm also looking into moxibustion, trying to find somewhere local to me that offers it. I've heard very good things about it.
the problem i've heard with ECV is that it can be very likely (either due to the baby's leg position, or the shape of your uterus) that baby will move back again a few hours after. but other than that, my mum had that with me, as did a few of my cousins, and they were fine with it, not even uncomfortable really. You could try getting acupuncture done too, i've heard a lot of sucess stories with them!

although a c-section may sould the long run....i really would never choose to have one. what with recovery and such.
Thanks for all the advice! I saw my midwife yesterday and we talked through the ECV in more detail, and I have decided to give it a go. If it doesn't work, at least I'll have given my baby the best chance of being born naturally.

I'm booked into the ECV clinic on Tuesday so I'll let you know how it goes!
im glad someone has posted this as also my baby is too lying transverse and i have to go back to my midwife monday to see the position of her, even though i think she's turned yet again in a completely different angle!!! :wall: :wall:

I have heard so many stories about EVC but i too want to avoid a c section at all costs so will try some of the remedies you ladies have put on this post :wink:

ellieL you'll have to let us know how you get on frm the clinic fingers crossed for you. :pray:
I was offered ECV with my first as she was breech. I refused and went for the section. Don't feel bad - go with what feels right for you :hug:

Good luck hun.

P.S - don't worry about the section either. It's not as bad as it might seems. I had a wonderful experience. Just let them know what YOU want.

Here is my C-Section experience with pics :D viewtopic.php?f=60&t=65549
Well my ECV this afternoon was a complete non-event. After arriving at the hospital at 2pm and having blood taken by the most inept person imaginable, leaving me with massive bruises on both arms, the consultant came in and told me that due to the possibility of something going wrong and having to do an emergency c section, he couldn't do the procedure unless the theatre was free. As they had 3 potential c sections to carry out that afternoon, he didn't know if/when it would be available. He said he'd let us know by 5pm if I could have it today or not, if not I'd have to come back Thursday morning.

So I sat around hooked up to a monitor for a few hours, then they came and told me to go home. So apparently I'm now having it on Thursday instead, although they haven't called yet to let me know when.

I must say I was a bit nervous about the whole thing so I'm not too bothered about the delay! I'll post again and let you know how it goes.
Good luck with the ECV. my daughter was breech, we weren't offered an ECV due to me having low fluid levels, so went straight for the c-section. Prior to all this I did try moxibustion, a big incence stick that I had to place very close to my little toe, for if I remember rightly 5 mins twice a day (might be wrong as it was a while ago now), unfortunately it didn't work, one of the dowsides was it stunk the house out, it smelt like we'd had a house full of people smoking spliffs!

Having an elective c-section had good and bad points, it was nice being able to plan things, but on the day my nervs were terrible, it felt really weird getting up that morning knowing that in a few hours I was going to meet my baby, when I was ready to go up to theatre I broke down in tears, the theatre team were amazing, I though I was being a bit dramatic, but the theatre team said my behaviour was completely normal. The recovery itself wasn't pleasent, but it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined, if you do end up needing a c-section, just take good care of yourself and take things slow.

Sorry I haven't been able to answer your question on ECV, just thought I'd let you know a bit about my breech experience and how it faired for me.

Good luck with everything and if you do end up needing a section, it's not the end of the world as long as you get to meet your healthy baby at the end that's the main thing xx
Sorry you didn't get to have your ECV, what a palava. Hope things go better for you tomorrow.

It's good to hear other peoples experiences of a c-section, the thought of it makes me very nervous.
My ECV was cancelled again! Apprently they had another manic morning, so they called me up and told me not to come in. They then asked if I could come in on the 19th, but I told them my section is booked for the 18th. They said they might try and do the turn in the morning on Monday, but it looks like I might be having the section after all.
How disappointing :( Not very good at all.

I hope everything goes well with the c-section :hug:
Just to let you know, I went in to hospital on Monday 18th and they were unable to perform the ECV then as there wasn't enough fluid - not surprising as I was 39 weeks and 3 days. So they went ahead with the c section and baby Claudia was born at 12.22pm weighing 9lb 2oz so not surprising there wasn't much room in there!

The op itself was ok, the day after was awful but I'm on the mend now, Finding it really hard to take it as easy as I should though as there seems so much to do and I feel bad asking OH to do everthing for me - pick this up, bring me this, pass me the remote etc. I think having a section would be really hard if you already have other kids as the recovery period would be so restrictive. Luckily I have great support from OH, my mum and him mum, so I just need to get used to letting other people do the work for a bit while I concentrate on getting my nipples chewed at regular intevals by baby C!

Thanks for all the advice and messages.
Congratulations!! I've had two sectionns, so know what you are going through :hug:

Good luck flower :hug:
Congratulations!! I've had two sectionns, so know what you are going through :hug:

Good luck flower :hug:

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