Ectopic Surgery Mums?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
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I know there are several of us here right now so thought I'd start a conversation topic for us all...

Does anyone else feel angry that there's no after care or follow up? I'm feeling increasingly peeved today thinking about it. My surgery was an emergency situation, there was no time to process things, to ask questions or to even think about it really. I was in bad shape for 2 days post op and really out of it (had issues with oxygen levels, temperatures, blood pressure , discharge etc.)... By the time I was well enough to ask question they'd kicked me out and sent me home with the only advice being that I do a home pregnancy test in 2 weeks and if it's BFP go back to EPAU. :shock:

I'm really angry I've been cut open, had pieces of me removed, lost a baby, been sutured up, and then basically been told to naff off and not come back. No check ups, no follow up, no after care.

I don't WANT to take a pregnancy test in a weeks time. I had high hCG levels and I'm scared it'll still be BFP and yet I'm not pregnant. I don't want to go and sit in EPAU with pregnant ladies knowing I'm not one of them. And in just the same way I'm scared it'll be BFN and bring reality smashing back home that I'm no longer pregnant and yet I should be.

My wounds are itching like crazy, and they're a little red. Is that normal? Should I be concerned? I don't bl**dy know cos apparently they don't feel this surgery is important enough to offer any sort of after care!!!!

Urgh. I'm just feeling very angry today. I have no idea why I started this post. I guess I just thought it'd be nice to have somewhere we could all chat about stuff and get it off our chests.
Exactly what they did to me too hun.

They ripped the drip out my arm & I poured blood everywhere & then forgot to change my notes to say I could eat so was starving hungry wondering why no one was giving me food :eek:(

They told me to call the ectopic & miscarriage help line if I want too (never gave me a number) gave me a miscarriage association leaflet on what to expect & sent me 2 pregnancy tests in the post to take in a few weeks time.

I did one & was still positive so threw the other in the bin out of rage.

I was lucky that I had a great support group around me as I told everyone what happened (I couldn't hide my emotions) & they helped me through it all but if you want to speak to someone give Google a go & find out be ectopic discussion line for people who need support.

Iv just gone thru a ruptured ectopic and I agree the care is shocking I was an emergency too and needed to be operated on within the hour they removed my right tube told me that my left was perfectly fine. Next day sent me on my way. I was sent away only with painkillers. I saw my mum Monday she made me ring the ward up n ask for discharge notes etc. they had forgotten to give me them. I personally think a follow up app is needed to check all inside has healed properly all I was told was if I still had any stitches left in me in 4 weeks to go straight back I'm not impressed with the lack of info given to me at all xxx
same here, mine too was also an emergency surgery ive lost a tube a baby and it feels like no one gives a shit!!!! I got sent home and was told to phone epac in 2 weeks with result of a preg test, subsequently I did one last night and it was positive now im worried itl still be positive in 8-9 days then what happens? my stitches too are itchy and I don't know if that normal or what ive no idea about anything the aftercare is so shocking
Hun I think aftercare to mc sucks big time. I'm getting no during mc care as I want to pass it at home not go I to the ward. I called yesterday crying in pain I wasn't coping and could feel my body trying to pass it but it's not coming out. Reply was to call back Wednesday and let her know had I passed it and was I coping. I'm like derr I just told you I'm not coping now. Furious much. The best aftercare I ever had was with my last loss and that was only because the nearly killed me during an erpc and I was had 2 surgeries in same day totalling 12 hours in theatre and recovery.
Baby is out you ain't dead good bye seems to be the way for them. No one stops to think of the emotional damage losing a baby causes. Massive hugs to everyone. Xxx
I think for them... its not heart felt... its clinical
Its not a baby
Its an embryo or fetus if youre lucky
Or retained products of conception

You could punch them just how little they seem to give a shit!
From those 2 pink lines to us its a baby. Working where they do they should respect that or find new jobs xxx
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Oh i agree
To us its that
But not to them
They need to be cold about it though i guess
They see it every day x
I guess they're busy. I don't know if it's that they don't care, but I know when I worked in the NHS it was just over-flowing. You always, ALWAYS had a list of people waiting, no matter how "quiet" the day was. I really did care about the people I saw but I didn't always have the time to sit and chat things over.

I guess I'm just angry that there wasn't even a pamphlet handed out to answer some of the basic questions.

Anyway, how is everyone doing today?

I am 10 days post op today. Did a HPT for the first time since my op and it came back so faintly positive. Made me sad at first to see it knowing I wasn't having a baby and it wasn't exciting to see it... But then I guess I kind of feel OK about it too because it means the hCG is going down and maybe my body is getting back to it's normal non-pregnant state soon. I don't know. I don't really know how to feel.
Mum2many I'm 5 days post op and today is a down day for me :( I'm feeling pretty low right now. Still very sore and at present my belly button feels kind of odd like a pulling sensation wen I stand up maybe it's the stitches? Xx
How is everyone doing? How is the healing going?

I'm 18 days post surgery now... :( Missing my baby and being pregnant so, so much.

Does anyone know how long it takes for the stitches to come out? They're supposed to be dis-solvable but they're still there, catching on everything and making me so sore and itchy...
How is everyone doing? How is the healing going?

I'm 18 days post surgery now... :( Missing my baby and being pregnant so, so much.

Does anyone know how long it takes for the stitches to come out? They're supposed to be dis-solvable but they're still there, catching on everything and making me so sore and itchy...

I'd like to know too. I'm ten days since surgery. I'm making a docs appointment anyway so I'll ask when I go xx
Hi all I'm 15 post op and just starting to feel like me again. I'm also ovulating so soon get my period so then I know my body will be getting bk to "normal" hoping my period arrives like it usually does after I ovulate. My stitches on my right side have completely gone and healed nicely my left side however is taking a little longer. And my belly button I think is all healed too. Hope everyone is doing ok xxxx
I wasn't given any advice, helplines or follow up appointments. I wasn't sent home with any tests so I guess I just have to predict when I back to normal ha. I'm going to the docs to get a couple more days on my sick note if possible as I don't feel 100% and need to be for my job. I'll ask about the stitches then and ask about blood levels etc. let's hope they are more obliging x
They really are crap aren't they. I bought some cheap ovulation test strips just for piece of mind to see when I was getting bk to normal and my body has started bk normal almost to the day it would be with out the ectopic. I hope ur doc gives u better info this time round :) xxx
Thanks. I've ordered some so hoping I'll get back to normal soon xx

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