Easy digest milk?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Does anyone use this?

Riley is really struggling with his wind at the moment.
The last 2 nights I've had soooo little sleep, he screams in pain and wriggles around in pain crying for ages trying to fart.
I try cycling his legs and running his tummy but nothing seems to really help.

He's always been a little like this, but recently it seems to be getting worse (maybe cos he's just had the sickness bug?)
Anyway, gripe water usually helps but not recently, I'm wondering if I should go and buy some Aptimil easy digest milk (we use aptimil already)

Has anyone tried these and do they make a difference?
aww poor riley! well i cant speak on behalf of the aptimil milk, but we use the Cow&gate Comfort milk and it has been a godsend. Theo used to suffer with Awful wind, you could hear it gurgle in his belly and he just wouldnt bring it up, we tried gripe water, infacol, colief and nothing worked, so we swapped him to cow*gate Comfort and litrally after having 1 bottle he did a massive burp and has never suffered with wind every since. it has been great!
if you do choose to use it, you might want to get quicker flow teats for your bottles as it is thicker.

if your little man is suffering then id say defo give it ago. I sure someone could recomend the aptimil one to you also!
We use the C&G comfort too and its great for Lola-Mae too!
We hated comfort milk (used C&G rather than aptamil though they are almost identical). Her poos were explosive (this is "normal" - it's like watery diarrhoea) and her bum was red raw as a result. It does work well for quite a lot of people, but not everyone. There was no way on this earth I was putting her through a fortnight of that on the offchance it might settle.

Poor Riley, he's been through the mill recently, hope he feels better soon :hug:
Its so weird! Lola's poops havent changed much while she has been on the comfort milk! Maybe a little smellier but all poop stinks heehee
Well I bought some today, I am so desperate to find a solution - its horrible to see him in so much pain.

I cannot believe how foul it tastes though! it's quite bitter I think, he doesn't seem too fussed though so will have to see how he gets on with it.
Urchin said:
I cannot believe how foul it tastes though! it's quite bitter I think,

You drank some?!?!

Heehee thats disgusting lol! Not a chance will I be sipping some of Lola's milk! :puke: heehee
Its all to do with the curds and whey, thats why comfort milks are diferent to ordinary milks and really change's their poo's. I swear by Cow & Gate comfort, that and infacol really helped Isaac.


Also a technique my mum showed us when Isaac was little to get up wind is to lay them along one or your arms infront of you, with your hand gripping lightly the back of their neck, and supporting them with the other hand and then tip them backwards and downwards away from you and then back up again. The motion is good for releasing trapped wind :) Might be tricky with a bigger baby though :doh: Just make sure you hold on tight!
Hi Urchin,

Can you let me know how you get on with this. Ollie was grunting and groaning since 4am trying to fart and poo. He finally had a massive great poo which resulted in me having to bath him and whilst he was in the bath he projectile vomited. Hes not constipated as he poos every day but he really does have problems passing it all through. Hes also on infant gaviscon which was working but not so sure now.

Sorry ive hijacked your thread! Just a little worried!! Hope you get Rileys wind sorted out.

Claire xx
nori said:
Hi Urchin,

Can you let me know how you get on with this. Ollie was grunting and groaning since 4am trying to fart and poo. He finally had a massive great poo which resulted in me having to bath him and whilst he was in the bath he projectile vomited. Hes not constipated as he poos every day but he really does have problems passing it all through. Hes also on infant gaviscon which was working but not so sure now.

Sorry ive hijacked your thread! Just a little worried!! Hope you get Rileys wind sorted out.

Claire xx

Oh I hope he's OK, Riley just got over the sickness bug :?

I'll update this thread if it helps or not....so far not though, he was still up loads in the night, but I'm now not sure if it's constipation AND wind :?
Thanks Urchin, I've heard that you have to make the bottles up from fresh each time (im currently putting water in the bottles first then add the forumla with extra boiled water) Can i not do this with the easy digest?

Claire x
All formula instructions now say you have to make them fresh, its the new guidelines I think.
I keep water in the bottles then add scoops when he's due a feed, same as I did before.
I've noticed that the powder takes longer to dissolve though, I think cos I'm not using boiling water, so I just leave it a few minutes and then looks normal.
speaking on behalf of the C&G comfort milk, yes i does tatse rank dosent it! it has such a horrible taste,before comfort milk theo was just on normal C&G and i always used to taste it on my lip to check the temp, it actually tasted ok, (very sweet to be honest) well i cant do it with the comfort milk it makes me gag. it tastes soi horrid, i dont know why theo loves it so much, lol it smells like ovalteen (that drink) (sp)

comfort milk didnt effect Theos poo's at all. they are still big and smelly and come 4 times a day :)
Urchin said:
All formula instructions now say you have to make them fresh, its the new guidelines I think.
I keep water in the bottles then add scoops when he's due a feed, same as I did before.
I've noticed that the powder takes longer to dissolve though, I think cos I'm not using boiling water, so I just leave it a few minutes and then looks normal.

Oh thats good. I heard that it didnt disolve that way but that must be wrong. Urchin, what bottles do you use? Im using Dr Browns so i think i may have to go to a faster teat?

Also is the aptamil comfort milks the same as the "stay down" milks? Would i still use my gaviscon? So many questions! :oops:

Claire x
nori said:
Urchin said:
All formula instructions now say you have to make them fresh, its the new guidelines I think.
I keep water in the bottles then add scoops when he's due a feed, same as I did before.
I've noticed that the powder takes longer to dissolve though, I think cos I'm not using boiling water, so I just leave it a few minutes and then looks normal.

Oh thats good. I heard that it didnt disolve that way but that must be wrong. Urchin, what bottles do you use? Im using Dr Browns so i think i may have to go to a faster teat?

Also is the aptamil comfort milks the same as the "stay down" milks? Would i still use my gaviscon? So many questions! :oops:

Claire x

Nori when I tried Isla on comfort milk, it wouldnt come out the first Dr Browns teats....try the next size up. I went back to using TT bottles as it flowed no problem. I think you would still use the Gaviscon just in case the comfort milk doesnt help, as it doesnt work for everyone.
TBH I haven't found it much thicker :think: I use the MAM teats (number 3)

I have no idea about the stay down stuff or gaviscon as I have never used either, sorry.
You're not meant to use the infant Gaviscon with any pre-thickened milks (so comfort milks and stay down milks) so I would get a GP's advice before mixing the two. As I remember theres a warning on the Gaviscon box, too. I imagine it's so the milk isn't over-thickened.
daftscotslass said:
You're not meant to use the infant Gaviscon with any pre-thickened milks (so comfort milks and stay down milks) so I would get a GP's advice before mixing the two. As I remember theres a warning on the Gaviscon box, too. I imagine it's so the milk isn't over-thickened.

We used infacol with the comfort milk :)

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