(Early Weaning) how much food/how much milk?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Theo has been having puree foods now for 3weeks and is doing really well. but he seems to always be hungry.
he has 4 240ml bottles of formula and then has small food at breakfast lunch and dinner. but he is always hungry still. he is having loads of milk. so should i up his solid food? i dont want him to be having too much though and turn in to a big chunk... so should i reduce the milk and up the food... stay the same... i have got the gina ford weaning book, but hvaent really followed it. she says in there that theos 11am bottle should be reduced and the solids at this feed should beincreased... is this right?

when should i start reducing his milk and making more of lunch and dinner time being about solid foods???
how much solid food "should" he be having?
its so confusing! lol.... everyone says different, and i know i should go with what theo wants but im sure if it was up to him hed just eat all day long.

i guess what im asking... is what does your babies average day of eating ect look like???
Angel kept her milk feeds as normal to begin with. She was having 2 cubes (from an ice cube tray) per meal. After about a month i upped to another cube, then another the next. She told me then that she wanted milk. Now she has a booby feed at 7.30am, solid for brekkie at 10.30am, solid lunch at about 12.30, then boobie feed at 3ish. I follow her lead still.
I wouldnt change his milk feeds at all!

LO will change them when he is ready... only now is Corey down to 3 bottles a day, and 3 meals. I never took milk away from him, always offered it, he just never wanted/drank it. If I were you id wait till your LO did the same. Milk is their main source of neautriance until they are one years old... Food Before One Is Just For Fun. Remember that and u cant go far wrong.

As for amounts of food, I really cant remember, I jar feed, and he used to have half a jar... breakfast and dinner, or the equivalent of if I gave him baby cerial or whatever. This went upto the full Jar by 6 months, then I moved onto the stage two jars a few weeks off 7 months, he dosent mind lumps, prob because of the BLW foods I gave him from 6 months, all the finger foods and things... 1st 5 or so weeks it was half of the bigger stage two jars, now its the whole jar for dinner. Lunch is a sarnie, or eggs, or meat selection and fruit bits etc. Breakfast is cerial or porridge.
thank you for replying. i also jar feed. at the moment theo is having 1/3 a jar for breakfast, 1/3 for lunch and 1/3 for dinner.

however he is still hungry so maybe i should up the lunch and dinner one to 1/2 a jar. i have no doubt that he will eat it!
he always has his bottles and meals at the same time everyday, (just something we started and from then on he took the lead and always gets hungry at the exact same time everyday) but receently he has been getting grumpy 30mins before hand. i think he needs more food. he is a big baby 18lb 8oz. so... ill give that a go.

thank you for replying, so difficult to know what to do for the best when its your first baby!
He could still be in the 4 month growth spurt stage, hence being more hungry.

Remember that for the first year babies main source of nutrition is from their milk. Food is secondary.

I'd be inclined to maybe offer some milk still before or after his meals perhaps. He is still young and I'd not drop the milk feeds to be replaced by puree totally. I'd top up before or after with milk still at this point. And if you feel you need to increase his jar portions then do so. Also remember that calorie wise babies have to eat a lot of food to match how much is contained in milk. Food may fill his tummy but calorie/nutrition wise its nowhere near the level of milk. Also at his age his body won't absorb as much out of it as it will when he is older.

My son was and still is a large boy and we started weaning at around 5 and a half months. He's not really dropped any breastfeeds until the past couple of weeks. Until about 6 1/2 months he would always have a bit of a boob feed before or after any meals also. Not a full feed, but just enough to stop him getting grizzly when eating or being too hungry. Plus he has been eating decent sized meals also. We have porridge/toast/weetabix with banana for breakfast, sandwich and fruit for lunch and tea is anything from spag bol to chicken and veggies to roasted veg and fish, usually topped off with natural yogurt (sometimes with pureed fruit in it).

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