Early Scan!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Well I had my early scan (at 8weeks-ish) on tuesday, and it is all good!!! Saw the heart beat, very clearly and v strong the midwife said! She said everything looks very healthy! She also said I have a small ovarian cyst, but that is a common thing and will probably go away on its own???

Just so relieved after having the mc in october it is such a wonderful feeling to see a wee heart beating and not an empty space!!! I have another scan on 23rd (booking in scan), so whilst I'm relieved, I don't think i will ever really fully enjoy going to scans, I dont think that fear ever totally leaves you!!

Iv been waiting for your post, where have you been woman!!! Im so glad everything went well, was you really nervous? Im very nervous for mine...so please for you :-)
Thanks Mrs V!! :) Sorry about the silence! After the good news we decided to tell all our family, which meant a 2 hour drive and then 6 or 7 hours to do the rounds!! Everyone was v happy!!! :)
I was really nervous, but strangely 'knew' deeop down things were ok this time?! Even though you still have the anxieties!
You will be fine too....when is your scan? Fingers crossed for you xxx
My scan is next Thursday...I cant really say either way whether I think everything is ok, I suppose I have been so anxious I havent enabled myself to believe after mc last year, I will be shi##ing myself...

You must be relieved, I just want to give myslef a break...hopefully the outcome of the scan will enable me to do that! You got pics??? Bet your family were over the moon...no pun intended ;-)
Ah that's really good news! I was thread stalking soooo pleased to read your good news! Xxx
Well I had my early scan (at 8weeks-ish) on tuesday, and it is all good!!! Saw the heart beat, very clearly and v strong the midwife said! She said everything looks very healthy! She also said I have a small ovarian cyst, but that is a common thing and will probably go away on its own???

Just so relieved after having the mc in october it is such a wonderful feeling to see a wee heart beating and not an empty space!!! I have another scan on 23rd (booking in scan), so whilst I'm relieved, I don't think i will ever really fully enjoy going to scans, I dont think that fear ever totally leaves you!!


Phew Karolina - I'd been waiting for you to post and say that all is well :)


That's wonderful - congrats hon! I was the same through this pregnancy about scans - DH and I didn't like the whole experience. But I have enjoyed the pregnancy so I think that makes up for it. And remember you have all us ladies to help you through each one xxxxx

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