Early Scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Back in November I had a MMC at almost 11wks, so now as I find myself pregnant again I'm feeling a little anxious about the same thing happening this time. Have booked myself in to have a private scan at 7 weeks, does anyone know what I am likely to see at this stage? I think if I could at least see there was a heart beat there that would be enough to reassure me until my 12 weeks scan x x
Hi hon I had one at 7 weeks 4 days it literally just looks like a blob, can't distinguish what's head and bum or any limbs yet, but the heart beat is very visible
I've put my scan pic as my avatar so u can see it
Hi Bella :wave:

Congratulations again on your pregnancy. :yay:

Im the same as you, had a M/C in November last year. Im going for an early scan in the morning at the EPU at my local hospital. When I was discharged after my M/C they said I could go in any time for a early scan the next time I was PG, I gave them a call today and they said its fine to go in the morning.
I feel the same just want to see a heartbeat and hopefully this will reassure me a little until my 12 week scan.

Fingers crossed for us both x x
aww thanks girls for your responses, that's great to know I will at least see a heartbeat, with my last MMC there was only a large empty sac and placenta so to see anything at all this time will be a bonus! Thanks Miss - I hope you and lil bean are doing well, also all the other girls in tri 2 :)

Oooh good luck for tomorrow Vicky I will have everything crossed for you hon I'm sure everything will be fine. Hope to hear some good news from you tommorrow x x x
aww thanks girls for your responses, that's great to know I will at least see a heartbeat, with my last MMC there was only a large empty sac and placenta so to see anything at all this time will be a bonus! Thanks Miss - I hope you and lil bean are doing well, also all the other girls in tri 2 :)

Oooh good luck for tomorrow Vicky I will have everything crossed for you hon I'm sure everything will be fine. Hope to hear some good news from you tommorrow x x x

Good luck hun, when is your scan booked for? So happy to see you back in tri 1 :)

Good luck hun, when is your scan booked for? So happy to see you back in tri 1 :)


aww thanks hon hope you are well! Scan is booked for 8th March, having to travel to another town to get it done. Did enquire at my local EPU to see if I could get a scan on the nhs but they said they would only scan if I had bleeding or cramping x x
Hey Hun,
I had a mmc too in sept its horrid isn't it!
congrats on being preg again!
I was offered an early scan this time at 8 wks so guess I was lucky, all was well, just saw a little bean with a heartbeat, amazing when you're expecting the worst (after last time)
Have got my 12wk on mon, although midwife heard the heartbeat last wk at my booking in appoint so eased my mind soooo much. Might be a good thing to ask for too if poss.
Hope all is well this time, wishing you all the best!
hey hun :waves

i had to have an early scan at 5 weeks due to bleeding and there was only a sac. However at 6 + 4 you could see a little flashing blob which is the fetus and another little blob which is the yolk sack :)

Hey Hun,
I had a mmc too in sept its horrid isn't it!
congrats on being preg again!
I was offered an early scan this time at 8 wks so guess I was lucky, all was well, just saw a little bean with a heartbeat, amazing when you're expecting the worst (after last time)
Have got my 12wk on mon, although midwife heard the heartbeat last wk at my booking in appoint so eased my mind soooo much. Might be a good thing to ask for too if poss.
Hope all is well this time, wishing you all the best!

So sorry to hear about your MMC in september, great news you've seen and heard the heartbeat this time. Wishing you lots and lots of luck for your scan tommorow, I'm sure everything will be fine and can't wait to see the pics x x x
Hey Bella2
All was well thanks! Hooray!
All the best for the rest of your pregnancy xxx
fantastic! So glad it all went well for you hon x x

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