Early scan


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Will they actually be able to see anything at 7weeks if they don't use the transvaginal probe?

The appointment slip is telling me to drink lots of water beforehand etc etc which I know you have to do with the abdominal (external) ones. It's not just a standard form as she's actually had to tick the box to tell me to drink. I'm now worried that they won't be able to see anything with all my belly fat (ok bloat :lol:) in the way... The only scan I've had before has been the giant dildo probe and it was very clear (although there was nothing to see :()

Anyone got any 7wk external scan pictures/info?
I had a transabdominal scan at 7 weeks exactly and you could see the baby, the yolk sac, and the heart beating, they could also take measurements from it. It was only tiny, mine was 5mm, but you could see a little prawn shaped thing. As far as I'm aware, you should be able to see a heartbeat from 6 1/2 weeks abdominally, so your scan at 7 weeks should definitely let you know that little one is okay.
This is my little princess at 7 weeks 4 days...

This was done externally xxx

oh fantastic thanks both so much for that! I was worried it would all be too blurry and they wouldn't see anything

I am of course still worried that nothing will be there but that's just paranoia from 2 m/cs...

At 7 weeks I take it you should be able to see the IUGS and an embryo right? If the sac's empty then that's a problem at this stage? I know at 4/5 all you need to see is the sac...
I had my scan last week and i could see a little blob,yolk sac and a heartbeat. :D
I had a scan a little later at 8 weeks and 5 days, and it was very clear and I have a flabby belly :lol:
I'm so pleased you asked this question! I'm having a scan at 7 weeks and was beginning to wonder if it'd be worthwhile. Hopefully they'll be able to detect a heartbeat at least - whether is done internally or externally ( :pray: it's the latter!). That's all I want to know - if there really is a baby growing in there!
The scan pic i've posted in the scan thread at the top was at approx 6w6d. She could see the baby via my tummy but i'd been really sick that morning so not managed to keep water down. She gave me the choice of going and trying to drink more water or having an internal scan, i elected to have the internal cos i knew i wouldn't be able to drink anymore lol.
gemoid the internal really isn't that bad - the 'probe' (cue Jaws music) is obviously designed to fit in there, albeit snugly, but to be honest I wasn't that bothered by it. She draped a sheet across my legs (was wearing a skirt), put some KY on the thing and didn't even look where she was putting it. It wasn't exactly comfortable but it was nowhere near as bad as a smear even.

It has teh advantage of giving you great clear pictures so please try not to worry if you do have the internal one...

Thanks so much for your answers guys. I am really worrying that there'll be nothing there but I should be able to see a blob of embryo at 7w then? I know I should just chill out but I can't help it lol

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