2nd early scan with pic


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Well we went for my 2nd early scan today and there is a heartbeat. "Bean" is 3.1mm CRL which seems small going by the tickers for 6 weeks. The sac was 3.7mm when I was 4 wks 5 days.

I've attached a pic - Brucie bonus if you can find the bean as it took me to point it out to my own mother! So does this scan classify as one of the smallest on the forum?

I can see it hon!

The little crosses are measurements aren't they. My two measured only 7 weeks when I am definitely 8, I think it's cos the measurements are always a bit off at this stage x
The scan says I'm 6 weeks +- 2 days and by my calculations I'm exactly 6w2d yet nurse thinks I'm not that far on. The EPP (Early Pregnancy Problem) clinic don't want to see me again so I'm sure everything is ok but I'm paranoid by nature and not one bit of this seems real, even with all the cramps and nausea.
I think we are all paranoid pennies in here babe, try to be positive your little bean looks GREAT you should be proud!
Dont worry about dates hun, my early scan put me back a couple of days but I'm quite sure of my dates :wink:

Glad scan went well :hug: :hug:
Oooo, I saw it :cheer: I'm so pleased all looks well and healthy for you.

Why do hospitals never seem to believe mothers about dates?...considering how much we all probably charted you'd think we'd know!!!
Thank you all for the kind comments.

We're debating whether to change bubba's name from Bean to Mr Potato Head. I've obviously spent too long looking at the scan :rotfl:

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