Early scan...*UPDATE WITH PIC*


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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After debating it for 2 weeks now I saw the midwife this morning who put me off by saying its very rare to get a heartbeat at 8 weeks. However, some people on here have had great early scans putting them at ease and having strong heartbeats from 6 weeks I just looked online at the site Id saved and approached OH who INFURIATED me.
He said "personally, I wouldnt, its too expensive and I dont think theres any need for it, youre fine"
I told him thats a stupid thing to say as 'personally' it will never be him having a baby and having the worry so for £65 to make me feel better and stop me worrying it would be worth every god damn penny. Im not speaking to him now.


Ok so after all that OH was totally fine with it all and weve just got back. It was all very professional (apart from spelling my Surname wrong) and amazing. My jelly bean is 1.7cm and Im 8+2 (I thought 8+3 so close) and had an amazing strong heartbeat. I had all healthy bits and baby is fine. Am due officially 25th November.
Pete thinks it looks like a jelly bean in a Tombliboo house throwing a top hat!

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I agree what that midwife said is a load of crap! :roll: We saw a heartbeat at 7+2 days so you should easily see something by 8 weeks. As for your OH - MEN!! Arrgghh they do struggle to understand I think because it's not them that's carrying the little one - my OH was a bit difficult at first when I mentioned an early scan but when I sat and explained how I was I struggling emotionally (particulary after previous MMC) he soon came round and we booked it. Then as it turned out we got sent for an emergency scan anyway when I started spotting! Give your OH time I'm sure he'll come round x x
aww hunny - men just don’t get it do they! Try not to let him wind u up though - stress is no good for u and ur little one!

I would most defo recommend an early scan - I had one at 6 weeks & it really does help ease that anxiety & worry...I was a mess until I had the early scan, always thinking the worst! Once we had the scan & saw the little beanie & heartbeat really made the next couple weeks until my 12 week scan far less stressful - I finally started to relax a little!

Go ahead and splurge on the early scan, its defo worth the money for your peace of mind, it will make u feel so much better once u know ur bean is all snuggled up safe in you! :)
i had an early scan cherry at 7 weeks and 2 days and the little heartbeat was very much there and strong too
i would recomend a scan to put ur mind at rest just tell ur oh how much it would mean to you x
After mine today, I would definitley recomend it. Also the lady that done mine said that after 6 weeks they are hopefull to see one and also if she couldnt see from the standard ultrasound she would have done an internal scan for me which gets better results apparently. Im sure he will come around :)
We had an early scan due to bleeding at 6 weeks, they said although the heartbeat develops at 6 weeks to wait until 7weeks for the scan when it would "definately" be there! If its going to make u feel better then go for it, its no fun in the 1st trimester and sometimes you need that little bit of reassurance that everything is as it should be. x
When i was pregnant with my first i only had 1 scan and that was at 8 weeks and there was a very stong heartbeat there... try sitting OH down and talking to him again.. hopefully he'll listen to u :hugs:
Ive booked one for Sunday. I just told him I was doing it and that was that. Im livid that he doesnt get it.
Hey Cherry

Men will never understand. They just dont know what its like to carry a life inside you. Just do it hunni. It's a nightmare I am so paranoid too and as you saw from my previous post not having scan until 13 weeks!!! Thats a whole 4 more weeks and a bit of worrying! Do what makes you happy.
An early scan really helped things to sink in for me.
Hopetully you will feel more relaxed, once you've had your scan.
Now it's done i'm sure oh will come round to it.

Glad your booked in now.... Am sure he will be as excited as you when he sees the heartbeat. Anyway £65 is cheap. My OH and I paid £340 for ours as it was done with our private gyno who we had been seeing for infertility.... He did have to do the internal scan as it was only 6 weeks... so worth preparing your OH for that... Told my sister the same yesterday as she is booking an early scan too... She did not realise it may be an internal scan. Think her OH would of got a bit of a surprise to see what they use. :)

Enjoy it on Sunday. Is a good bonding exercise for you and your OH too...
Ooohh just noticed this hunny, goodluck for Sunday, is your OH going with you?
It will make things more real once you see baby :) x x

Yes Petes coming with me. He was fine in the end just 'didnt get' why I felt the need to do it but admits he doesnt understand how it feels and never will as men dont give birth lol

We were going to take OH little ones too but Ive said they have to wait till 12 week scan.
Hi Cherry glad u and OH have sorted things. early scans make u feel so much more relaxed !! had an emergency early scan at 6 weeks and heartbeat clearly seen !!!!
Enjoy on sunday hun xxxx
I saw heartbeat at 6w 4d with this pregnancy and it was good and strong so EPU said all was good and no need to come back for repeat scan. I was surprised we saw heartbeat that early as they usually don't scan until 7 weeks min in my area as by then HB should be visible :)

Good luck for scan cherry :)

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