Early scan tomorrow :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Well bit of TMI but went to loo earlier and noticed staining in underwear :( there's not much but having cramps so hospital have arranged a scan tomorrow at 8.15 :(
Terribly upset know some of you girls have had a fair bit of bleeding and all ok just so worried :( only good thing is there's nothing when I actually go to the toilet :(
Sorry for going on
Fingers crossed all is well, sending you lots of good luck for tomorrow xx
Fx for you hun will wait for an update xxx
Fingers crossed for you hun, sorry for more TMI but what colour was it? Could it be old blood? x
Well that is a good sign then, brown blood is normally old blood. Fingers crossed they will confirm this tomorrow and all is fine with baby x
Thanks Hun so worried :( there was literally three spots on underwear and nothing when wiped :( just hope all is ok had cramps before found out I was pregnant so that's not unusual for me :( just know going to be a long night! Had Scan booked for week today anyway so not that early :(
Goodluck tomorrow. I had brown blood for a few days in my first pregnancy at 10 weeks and all was fine.
Thanks Hun that's reassuring. All so worrying isn't it Have u got your scan tomorrow too? Hope all goes ok x x
You know I was fine, fingers crossed it will be the same for you too x Try not to worry and enjoying seeing your bean x
Fingers crossed for you today hun, really hope all goes well :hugs:
Oh my gosh bump buddy how did I not see this? :-( thinking of you lots today, huggles.... stay strong xxxxxx
Hi I am new to the forum.
Fingers crossed for you. I have an early scan on Friday lunchtime due to bleeding. Hope we both get great news this week x
Hey I posted in another thread thanks girls everything was fine saw our little bean who was jumping round like a maniac lol got put back a week but that's fine :) knew I ovulate late so wasn't a big shock
Good luck for tomorrow. Brown blood is old blood which is good. I had some tiny bright red spots in the first trimester and all is fine now. Good luck! x

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