Early scan - today


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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What a nightmare that was! My appointment was 11am didnt get in there till about 11.45 (was bursting!!) anyway im only 5 weeks so there was only sac to be seen, so I have to go back next week for another one!!!

I have som fibroids too which are uncommon and are completely fine! but had no more brown discharge anyway which is good and she did say that the fibroids could be causing that if they are rubbing on the womb!

So at least i get another scan so fingers crossed everything will be ok - i did wonder why i hadnt had many symptons yet!!!

Kate x
Glad all is ok but sorry you have had your dates put back. Good news that they have let you get another scan next week! I have an early scan next week too xx

Keep resting :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad all is well!! Argh must be frustrating having your dates put back and knowing bubs is ickler than you thought - but most importantly, baby is OK!!

:cheer: And you get another scan soon so you'll see him/her moving around and partying in mummy's tum x
It's really good that they are keeping an eye on you. The first scan I had just showed a sac, the next a flicker of a heartbeat...now it's a hand in mouth!!!

Keep us updated and try not to worry about anything :hug:
So glad everything is OK and that you'll get another scan :hug:

that's good news that everything is ok MrsH, I was wondering how you'd gone on.

fancy them putting you back a week.....at least you get to have another scan.

Good news that the spotting has stopped for you too


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