Early scan - small bleed or twins?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Hi ladies,

this is probably a silly post but I’m driving myself mad just wondering. I was scanned on Saturday and a healthy little bean measuring 6+4 with a heartbeat was seen. But they also saw a dark area that apparently had nothing in it and they wrote on their scan ‘bleed?’ In my notes report a bleed is what they put it down as and told me it would probably reabsorb.

the thing I’m driving myself a bit mad about is that as soon as I saw it on the screen I instantly thought is that a second sac? for some reason I was really thinking this might be twins, I had two implantation dips in temp two days apart and two lots of significant cramping around that time in different places. I can’t explain it I just really thought it might be. The other thing is that back in 2013 I had two miscarriages and the second one I thought I passed two sacs and the midwives agreed that if I felt that when comparing it with my previous miscarriage at the same gestation then I certainly may have done. So I suppose now I’m wondering if maybe this area wasn’t a bleed and had been a second sac that had failed. She didn’t appear to have a close look at it. I have a retroverted uterus so I am of course thinking ‘what if she just couldn’t view that bit properly’.

I guess there isn’t a lot of point to this post unless there is anyone out there that has been told they had a bleed that turned out to be a second baby! I’m not worried about the bleed if that’s what it is. Anyone had a bleed picked up on an early scan and then it had disappeared by 12 week?
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I don’t have any experience of this personally but my mum had a bleed with her 1st and it turned out she was carrying twins and lost one. The other one is now my oldest brother.
Try not to worry about what the bleed is or what could of been you have a happy healthy bean and that’s the important thing.
If it was a second normal baby they'd have seen a second heartbeat in the sac. It's very possible you were pregnant with two but one didn't survive, hence it looking like a bleed x
Hey Rose, I had a bleed that showed up on a scan when I was pregnant with Alfie. I was pretty sure it looked like a second sac too, I’m not sure how different they actually look on the scans. But the techs must know something we don’t. The bleed was gone by 12 week scan x
Dont know if any help but when i had a NHS scan at 7 weeks, they found a small area of hamerohage which they thought maybe was a second (it wasnt) i had a bleed at 10 weeks which was fairly heavy tbh and i presumed it was start of miscarriage, it wasnt and at 10 week scan hameorhage had gone so they said they believed it was that
Thanks ladies. I can’t explain it, i’m so sure this was twins, I keep dreaming about it. Last night I dreamt I had a boy and girl. Not that I can do anything now of course, it’s just a weird feeling. I’ve been getting more cramps the last couple of days and they did say that the bleed might come out at some point but no sign of it yet x

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