Early scan not showing :-(


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Had an early scan today but they couldn't see anything. They said it was hidden under my pubic bone most likely. The girl said she could see the sac but it was 13cm deep so couldn't get close enough. I did another clearblue digital and got 2-3 so going backwards as had 3+ on Monday. Haven't stopped crying since we left. Sonographer said he wasn't worried so I shouldn't but to him I could just be another statistic and another mc. He's asked me to come back next Friday as a lot of growth can happen in a week. He didn't charge for today either. Phoned EPU and she wasn't concerned as no bleeding or cramps but I can't stop worrying. Will be such a long week. I'm away for a course next week too just want to be at home with oh as I'll have no concentration and just worry I'll lose the baby while I'm away. Had nightmares the previous 2 nights about miscarrying but thought it was just nerves.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Have any of you had experience with this before or the cb dig date changing? Xxx
sorry didnt want to read and run, i have my fingers crossed for you that next week something shows xx
Sorry for all the confusion ur facing. Will keep my fx for ur next scan xx

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Oh no so sorry Hun, I would ignore the diggi but if you want a better idea of where you stand then do a HCG blood test on Monday and repeat on Wednesday to see if it's rising.

How many weeks/days are you?

Oh no so sorry Hun, I would ignore the diggi but if you want a better idea of where you stand then do a HCG blood test on Monday and repeat on Wednesday to see if it's rising.

How many weeks/days are you?


Thanks girls. Feel a bit lost just now :-(

Thanks maybe, do I have to get bloods done at my gp or EPU? How soon do you get results? I'm 6 weeks and 1 day as lmp was 22/12/11 xxx
Fingers crossed, sonographer wasn't worried, so just cling to that thought, think positive! x
if your dates are a little out that could be why nothing could be seen as of yet on the scan hun, i went when i was what i thought was 7 week pregnant, couldnt see anything with an external scan and when they did the internal scan dated me at 6 weeks so a whole week out :/ not too sure with the digi result though, ive never used em tbh! hope everything works out for you though, the next week will probably drag but i guess so long as you have no pain or bleeding then i would try not to worry too much hun, easier said than done i know xx
Hi hun, I'm so sorry you're going through this worry! Just wanted to say I had a scan at 5w 5d yesterday and they weren't sure they could see the baby either, just the sac. And if you look on elliesmum thread she had the same. I am not worried in the slightest as the sonographer told me its really early to see anything, and just to come back in another 3 weeks. Did you have ultrasound or internal scan?

I've decided I don't like Tri 1 very much at all, its very stressful! Try not to worry sweetie, I'm sure you will see much more next week xxx

Ps... I've also heard a lot of bad things about cb digi conception indicators too, I don't advise googling but I did it and there's lots of threads about the dates going up and down. It was probably just that your urine was a bit more diluted when you got the 2-3 hun xxx
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Hi Hun,

I'm really lucky and my GP has been great, I've had 4 sets of bloods so far and the nice lady's on reception have been getting the results from the lab and been calling me in the afternoon with them.

It's usually a nurse who takes the blood so you might not need a doc appointment just a doc to authorize the nurse.

I don't know much about EPU's but I think you are well within your rights to go and get a blood test done if it will give you peace of mind.

Try not to stress, hopefully all will be fine- positive thoughts..:)

Hi hun, I'm so sorry you're going through this worry! Just wanted to say I had a scan at 5w 5d yesterday and they weren't sure they could see the baby either, just the sac. And if you look on elliesmum thread she had the same. I am not worried in the slightest as the sonographer told me its really early to see anything, and just to come back in another 3 weeks. Did you have ultrasound or internal scan?

I've decided I don't like Tri 1 very much at all, its very stressful! Try not to worry sweetie, I'm sure you will see much more next week xxx

Ps... I've also heard a lot of bad things about cb digi conception indicators too, I don't advise googling but I did it and there's lots of threads about the dates going up and down. It was probably just that your urine was a bit more diluted when you got the 2-3 hun xxx

That really helps me, thanks hun. Just scared to be optimistic but need to try. The thread you mentioned was really helpful too. I agree; tri 1 sucks. Never thought I'd say that! :wall2:

Thanks for your advice everyone xxx
Hey hun sorry ur so worried, try to relax the cbdigis cant be trusted properly, did u use first morning wee? Maybe it was dilute? Xx

Tri1 is a scary time sweets :hugs: hope everything is ok and you just have a shy bubs

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Sorry to hear this hun try and stay positive, remember that cb digi conception indicators are only 95% accurate, don't worry urself to much, if there is a sac there then that is a good thing right

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Fingers crossed hun, as the ladies have said if you can get your bloods done to determine your HCG rising that will be your best indicator xx
Sorry you are in limbo hon. I would hold onto the hope the sonographer wasn't worried, maybe your dates are a little out? You have every right to feel anxious but the best thing to do is to enquire about getting your bloods done. Like everyone said, hpt shouldn't be used to measure your hormones.

I really hope everything turns out fine xxx
Fx crossed for you, try to stay positive (I know it's easier said than done), we're all here for you! xx
Thanks everyone. You're all so lovely. I did another cb this morning before work and got 3+. OH has BEGGED me not to pee on any more sticks for my own sanity!

I've felt much more positive today xxx
So glad todays been better!! X

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