Early Pregnancy Problems


Jul 9, 2011
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Hi I am new to this forum. Here is my story so far

My period is irregular last cycle (45 days) LMP 14th May, Pregnancy Test confirmed 19th june, bleeding started 24th june turned into normal period or so i thought.
doc wanted me to have scan to check womb was empty went to early preg. unit - nothing showed on scan but hcg taken as precaution
hgg very low but slowly rising every 48 hrs 98, 101, 113, 123.
docs suspected eptopic and called me back for another scan. They scanned me and found pregnancy sac size about 4 weeks and 4 days which they tell me is possible with my irregular cycle , they did see something in the sac but have asked me to come back in 10 days when they might pick up a heartbeat fingers crossed. I am totally confused i thought i miscarried but now its seems i am pregnant. i did ask how could a pregnancy sac be seen with such low hcg levels as i thought they needed to be at least 1000 hcg to be seen on a scan now I have to wait until the 19th july - strangely the doc is confident there is something in the sac just waiting for a heartbeat. have anyone had this kind of bizzare experience ?
Fingers crossed all is ok and you get your answers! xx
Not had the same thing but didn't want to read and run, fx for you hun Xx
I think HCG numbers are very individual, what matters is they have to almost double in 48 hgours(approx).FX for seeing a heartbeat

I had implantation bleed altough not heavy, at around 4 weeks then at 6 weeks and at 8 weeks he was there with a strong heartbeat.
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thanks to all. Feeling sick on and off throughout the day holding on to that as a good sign ! the waiting is driving me nuts
i bled at what i thought was 7/8 weeks, scan showed a sac but nothing in it and measured 6 weeks, went back 2 weeks later where they found a baby and heart beat, 26wks gone today now

ps with my ifrst i had a scan at 4 wks there was a sac but too early too see anything so had to go bk almost 3 wks later - that little bean is almost 4 yrs old now
Folks my boobs are so sore today - thank god, finally I am feeling something. hopefully this is a little sign that things are going in the direction. has anyone been through a similar experience to what i posted earlier. Waiting until tuesday for a scan is killing me !!!
Folks my boobs are so sore today - thank god, finally I am feeling something. hopefully this is a little sign that things are going in the direction. has anyone been through a similar experience to what i posted earlier. Waiting until tuesday for a scan is killing me !!!

yep twice xx
Thanks I am trying to not get to excited. These little posts mean so much fingers crossed we'll see a little heartbeat on tuesday
folks just to say all of your pictures are really cool. if everything goes ok and we see a little heartbeat on tuesday i try and put one up myself .. where do you get them from ?

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