Early miscarriage - any point in repeat bloods?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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I'm not sure where to begin :(
It's mostly a vent post :(
Question in last part if you want to skip my vent x

Had a very dark positive test on Saturday morning then all just went downhill from Sunday when I started spotting red.
I had spotted pink on the Thursday a little (which stopped straight away) so was already referred for an early scan so I just had to wait and see..

Spotting started again on Sunday and carried on until Tuesday when I started passing what I think was small pieces of tissue.. Wednesday I had a slightly larger piece and then Thursday morning some more. So I was already quite prepared for the scan being bad news. I did consider not even attending and afterwards it's left me wishing I didn't go because my experience of the epau was not what I needed...

Unorganised clinic with no obvious reception or idea where to go. Felt like none of the doctors or nurses truely cared.. I walked in and 3 nurses just looked at me then just carried on with what they were doing. So wasn't sure I was even in the right place! The waiting room was awful, basically just a corridor with a few chairs and a lift with random doctors and nurses hoping in and out of.. of course to top it off someone had their small child with them, just what I needed..

The scan room was tiny but still crammed with 2 doctors and a nurse. With no curtain for me to change behind, I felt incredibly uncomfortable. I had told them I had likely passed it.. I felt like they were calling me a liar.. asking me over and over for my dates and how many weeks I thought I'd be. Even though they did a pregnancy test and it was faintly positive.. scan showed nothing (and my lining was already looking thin) but I figured I had passed pretty much everything anyway so no surprise there. I was taken to go sit in another room and wait to be called by a doctor, I just wanted to go home..

They wanted to do bloods. More unorganisation.. so in another room this time with a doctor and a nurse. Doctor was chatting to me, don't remember a word he said. I wasn't interested. It seemed pointless for them to do bloods. He asked the nurse to take my blood and she said she doesn't do bloods??? Then why was she there! So he said okay I'll do it then. I was then made to sit on a filing cabinet while this doctor took my blood.. then finally I could go home.

They called back to say the bloods showed levels were 1000 and something and would need repeating.. I was actually starting to doing 'okay' until that point. Now I'm just angry that I have to attend their clinic again! I know that it's completely over for our miracle and I don't need some doctor to tell me that. I'm sure this is likely normal practice for them to repeat bloods.. but would it be fine if I didn't attend? I was only 6 weeks (6+4 when I started passing tissue). What do they do if bloods show levels are decreasing? Not call you back in? It feels like a wasted journey if that is what's going to happen.
Is it likely if anything is left to pass it will pass on it's own?

Just wondering how important it is for me to go back. :(
I'm so sorry hun.

I've unfortunately spent more than my fair share of time in EPAU. It's not the nicest of places to be I'm afraid :-(

I would go back for any tests and scans etc that they offer so you know exactly what is going on. When I had my third loss I was told they wouldn't even offer me a scan until my levels were over 1000 so if your levels were only just at that maybe that's why they couldn't see anything yet?

It's obviously your decision but personally I would go back and have more bloods.

Big hugs sweetheart, I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I'm so so sorry Millie and for your horrid experience too..it sounds awful. I can't believe the bloods thing!!! So unprofessional.
Unfortunately I would say you probably should get them done just in case there was something retained which could cause infection and make more trouvle and difficulties for you. Or perhaps you could get a scan for them to check everything is back to normal ..not sure if you'd feel better or worse doing that? Bit your previous scan does sound like you have already passed everything if the lining was thin. Just think sometimes there can be a tiny bit . Unless you do cheapie tests until the line is totally gone..it is depressing but then you can pick up yourself if it's not getting lighter and somethings going on? without the need for the bloods? I've usually had a repeat scan if no bloods done but if it showed your lining was thin anyway its tricky to call. It is horrid having to go back etc especially when it was such a horrid experience for you ..last thing you want to top it off though is an infection. I'm so so so sorry again :( devastated for you xxx
Sorry you're going through this Hun. What a heartbreak for you after waiting so long for your bfp.

I would recommend you have the bloods done as they will be ruling out things like ectopic pregnancy (you will definitely want to know if you have this) - it's probably not likely but they will be checking anyway. At 1000 hcg they wouldn't see anything on a scan because levels need to be higher to show a sac. Bloods will give a picture on how the hormone is decreasing or increasing and will then inform further treatment.

I'm sorry you had a traumatic experience at epau at what is already a stressful time for you.

I hope you can take some positive from your situation in that you've had a positive test and hopefully if the being more fertile after a m/c is true you will be back in tri 1 very soon.

Big love to you xxxx
Thanks ladies xx

I'll just have to drag myself there and get it over with I guess, thankfully it's in the morning so hopefully it's a quick in and out appointment and can then be forgotten about

I imagine I'll be sat on a filing cabinet again!! Still can't believe that!
So sorry :( The EPU here wasn't very nice either, it was just so uncaring. I had the scan, got sent for bloods and then was sent on my way. Nothing about any emotional support that might be available.

My bloods were around 150, so a lot lower than yours. But this was 5 days after I had several days of really heavy bleeding with clots etc (that was the nearest appointment!!), so I already knew what the outcome was going to be. I was told to go back for repeat bloods but didn't as I felt there was no point.

Your numbers are a lot higher, so I would say it would be worth going back to make sure they are going down. If you retain anything you can get really poorly so it's important to make sure that 'it's' all gone. I know that sounds really horrible, but my thoughts are with you x
Millie I'm so so sorry this has happened to you after everything you've been through to get here :( I agree with the girls, I would go back and get bloods just to check everything is as it should be.

I really hope your next miracle is around the corner xxx
Thank you both xx

Nope no emotional support at all :(

My bleeding is still pretty light, it's so annoying
Just wish it would get it over with

Hubby seems still hopeful he got mad because I was taking stronger pain killers - my lower back is really hurting today :(
Someones partner at his work has just had a baby so it's the talk of the office, I don't think he wants to believe it's over :(
Hi Millie. Sorry to read you're here too! My experience of the EPU was slightly better but it was an open area of seating where people would walk past and five you the look and any other patients were practically I'm top of you because of how close the seats where. Added to that a wall full of info about smoking during pregnancy and I'm like ffs! If only I did smoke.... if only I had anything to blame it on other than my defective body!

I hope you get discharged asap. I've been back and forward as it's only dropping about 200 every 48 hours. As someone said above it's just to check it's not ectopic really. They've agreed I don't have to go back now till 7th.... I will be doing HPT just so I don't get my hopes up of being discharged...

Hoping we both get our sticky BFP soon... come on next cycle!
I'll take plain walls over those posters in this situation!

Bless you I'm so sorry :(
Hoping you can be discharged soon

Ahhh really hope it's not a case of back and forward.. just this one more time please!

Hopefully next cycle will be our sticky bfp xx
I'll take plain walls over those posters in this situation!

Bless you I'm so sorry :(
Hoping you can be discharged soon

Ahhh really hope it's not a case of back and forward.. just this one more time please!

Hopefully next cycle will be our sticky bfp xx

I've had bloods done 3 times now. Will be 4 on 7th Aug. Think they would have me back next week if I wasn't so hard to get blood from lol!

Now I've got blood in urine. Half hoping I have a kidney infection and we can all blame the MC on that. Half hoping I don't because let's face it..
Who wants a kidney infection?
Nooooo, really that many times :(
I couldn't do that.. I think I'd tell them sod it if they want me back in, I'll do hpt's instead!
What were your levels when you first had blood taken?

Hopefully you don't have a kidney infection
That wouldn't be good right now :( xx

I'm blaming my loss on everything atm.. urine infection, then I got thrush because of the antibiotics.. then we were in a minor car accident Saturday.. the shock probably didn't help but I might have lost anyway who really knows! It's been a crap week and the loss really topped it off!

Just gotta pick myself up and try again..
Nooooo, really that many times :(
I couldn't do that.. I think I'd tell them sod it if they want me back in, I'll do hpt's instead!
What were your levels when you first had blood taken?

Hopefully you don't have a kidney infection
That wouldn't be good right now :( xx

I'm blaming my loss on everything atm.. urine infection, then I got thrush because of the antibiotics.. then we were in a minor car accident Saturday.. the shock probably didn't help but I might have lost anyway who really knows! It's been a crap week and the loss really topped it off!

Just gotta pick myself up and try again..

Yea that's just how I'm feeling atm. Try try again.

Think it went something like 450. 1000. 800. These are all ISH numbers because I didn't really commit it to memory as it was all a bit surreal!

Sound like you have had a lot on!

I'm going to do HPT every 2 days starting Monday... in the hope it comes up negative and I can go back and get this over with sooner. They don't want me TTC till it's 0. She said I won't ovulate anyway... but I don't want to miss it! Everyone says your more fertile and hell I need to be lol!
No worries, wouldn't expect you to remember exact numbers
I hope mine has gone down enough for them to not want me to go back!

Oh yeah I imagine they'll tell me the same!! but I'm trying again as soon as I'm done bleeding lol.
Or at least ntnp.. can't remember the last time I had sex lol!
Best of luck for when you start trying again xx
No worries, wouldn't expect you to remember exact numbers
I hope mine has gone down enough for them to not want me to go back!

Oh yeah I imagine they'll tell me the same!! but I'm trying again as soon as I'm done bleeding lol.
Or at least ntnp.. can't remember the last time I had sex lol!
Best of luck for when you start trying again xx

Are u? Tbh my bleeding wasn't even that bad. I had a day of proper cramp and heavy bleeding but after that it wasn't too bad and was about 10 days total. But I would say maybe 6 of those days were just when I wiped.

We DTD the other night. I just wanted it over with tbh. I was scared my body would turn into a giant cramp and id bleed like the shining or something haha.... it wasn't as bad as I had envisaged lol.

I think if I get a couple of negatives I might just get on with it. If I AM more fertile I can't miss this window can I lol
Yes :(
I've had no heavy bleeding at all so far!
It's bright red still and just really sloww.. so feeling really fed up :(
This is the 6th day.. but first few days it was only there when I wiped but still bright red... ugh!

*fingers crossed for you*
if you're ready then there is totally no reason why not to give this cycle a go xx
Yes :(
I've had no heavy bleeding at all so far!
It's bright red still and just really sloww.. so feeling really fed up :(
This is the 6th day.. but first few days it was only there when I wiped but still bright red... ugh!

*fingers crossed for you*
if you're ready then there is totally no reason why not to give this cycle a go xx

It's just if it did work and the hcg went UP on the 7th haha... uh I just wish we weren't trying. I wish it could just be an accident and I could find out like 2 months down the line. I knew about 4 days before missed period! Plus none of my weird food cravings are there anymore. I was absolutely loving kinder buenos and ryvita with Philly on. Now I couldn't think of anything worse!

Come on Millie! Let's get our babies!
Oh yes that could be confusing for them and maybe you..

I know what you mean :(
I almost didn't bother testing cause I was waiting for a frozen Embryo transfer..
If I never found out I would have probably just thought this was my period!

Aww, my foods are the same atm I'm still off all sweet things and cheese, but everything else is back to normal already.

Yes def :D xx
No one at the epau told me it would be closed today?
I had no flipping idea where I was meant to be or go?
Stopped a random gynea nurse who said she would take a look when she had dealt with her emergency patients
What a mess!!!
She did get round to taking my blood (no idea if she was meant to?) but ugh I thought this couldn't get any worse!

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