Early four month growth spurt?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I am feeding Jacob constantly lately. We went to Glasgow yesterday with some girls from here and he was a little grumpy because he was up earlier than normal and probably also because I wasn't able to feed him quite as much as he would have wanted. Today I have been sitting in the same place all day apart from a couple of bathroom breaks because he is feeding so often and for such long times. He has only taken a couple of breaks to sleep or play (for a very short time). I think my presence here has increased a ton because of it, and I'm so tired. I'm taking supplements and eating more but I can barely string a thought together properly.

Could this be the four month growth spurt early, or do you think I have this to look forward to for the next two months?

Sorry- this was only half of what I wanted to say. I also wanted to mention that this is worrying me because so far I feel he is doing well in his development- very well- but I am worried that if this continues for very long he will stop making progress. I obviously can't play with him while he is feeding and he doesn't like me to talk to him, so a lot of the day (most by far) is spent sitting in one place in silence!
Could be a 3 month growth spurt, rather than 4 month.

I wouldn't worry about his development, he will develop in his own time as and when he is ready but he also needs plenty of milk to help him develop too. I would just go with the flow like you already have been and feed as and when, If it is a growth spurt then you might be back to normal after a few days or possibly a week.
Sounds like the 12 week (3 month) growth spurt to me :lol: They do have one around this time.

Galen seemed to have his 4 month growth spurt about 2 weeks earlier than I was expecting. But t all the others seemed to fall in or around the expected time frame.

FWIW I work in calendar months not 4 week ones.

Also please remember his development won't be harmed. Babies don't always need to be stimulated and doing something. Sometimes its good they just have quiet times, take in their surroundings, hear things, smell, sense and so on. Its not all about playtime. We encouraged Galen from a very young age to be able to spend time doing his own thing. As he has gotten older his concentration is immense and he can sit for an hour or more without needing any input from me, just the tub with all his bits in (kitchen utensils, outdoorsy stuff, natural products etc). Its been said to actually help stimulate them more having time on their own like this than a person stimulating them with playtime etc. Brain development needs for baby to learn on their own, to make mistakes, learn from them, experiment and so on. They think, learn and develop from this.

We spend lots of time face to face with Galen, but he also spends time doing his own thing and is a very bright baby. When we see other babies his age or even a bit older none are doing what he does with such ability and interest. People comment on his earnest little ways and how active he seems to be mentally and usually always say how strong he is (usually after he has pushed them away, wriggled out of their arms and tried to crawl off of them :rotfl: ).
Oooh I hadn't heard of the 12 week growth spurt! Well he is 13 so that makes sense. Sherlock, I understand what you are saying about being independent, but Jacob can sit on his own for a couple of minutes, if that. Now with the constant feeding (which has been going on for a while now) we literally sit in the same place, in silence, with nothing to look at for the vast majority of the day. I can't talk to him or else he stops feeding and goes into hysterics if he can't start again, and I can't encourage him to play on his own (or even stare into space) because he feeds with his eyes closed then falls asleep. I'm worried the fact that when he is awake he is upset/in pain because of his reflux is making him miss out on opportunities to see the world, or hear us talking, or anything else for that matter. And now that I know he won't let us give him Gaviscon, I feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel as far as the crying goes.
maybe a breastfeeding necklace gives him a chance to use in fine motor skills while feeding this may eleivate some of your worry thats hes not getting and sitmulus :think: But im sure he is more then fine babies are all different develop at varying stages and lengths.
dont worry :hug: :hug:
and :hug: for the crying Collier had bad colic at 2 months and spent days on end screaming at me without hardly a brake
have you looked in the reflux sticky thread im sure you will get some tips and advice from the girls in there
sorry ive not got advice of my own
moss said:
And now that I know he won't let us give him Gaviscon, I feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel as far as the crying goes.

Maybe get a baby syringe and use that? He may not like it much but it means you can get it to the back of his mouth so he'll all being well swallow it better. IIRC infant Nurofen has a nifty little syringe type thing (flat at the end) or else a normal small syringe should work.

I had to give Galen something a few times and tried a spoon but he would not take it so I opted for the syringe and it was fine. He grumbled but it went down. Was just a case of making sure before I emptied it that is was in the cheek of his mouth at the back so he swallowed it more than spat it back out.

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