bf and growth spurts.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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I'm breast feeding on demand and he must be having a growth spurt. He is feeding all the time boob after boob after boob, I'm so tired and feel drained. He is fussing during the feeds which is frustrating too i never feel like i fill him through some feeds and when he fusses i take him off give the dummy and try cuddles to settle him until he cries and he back on.

I so want to give him the best start and I'm sure its just me wanting an easy life but today I've been so tempted to put him on formula, i feel so bad for wanting to give in and have what i assume would be the easy way out and know what be is actually taking.
Just wanted to get it off my chest really
Hang in there your doing great! Welcome to the greedy, needy baby boy club! They all go through this around 6 weeks and even now Kynon still has nights like this (last night). They are sending messages to your body to produce more milk for the coming weeks. Make sure you drink plenty, eat lots of things like oats and just sit back and relax. I found it easier to just go with it and watch tv or sit on my ipad on pf (hence I'm always on here cos I'm always bfing! lol) just let him feed. Don't over do it day to day as it can make you feel drained if you don't eat and drink enough, Ive had a few really drained days and not from lack of sleep just from Kynons constant greediness! I've also been taking fenugreek which I think really boosted my milk supply. It may still not feel like it but it does get easier x
Thanks sarah, where can i buy fenugreek? And what is it?

Its just hard because bottle is so conveniant with an everyday lifestyle. For eg when i went to doctors he had been fed before we left but ended up waiting over an hour he got whiney and wouldn't take a dummy,i knew he was hungry and other mums just pulled a bottle out. I just felt thankful i only live 5mins away in the car bless him
Oh i remember the six week growth spurt, i just lay down feeding the entire time. I felt like a sow with a piglet. But rest assured it does get easier. I used to get frustrated with me little lad, cause he'd feed and then moan and kick me, as if to say "mother, you're not giving me enough". Hang in there, i know exactly how your feeling. Lots of water and also try and get him to sleep if you can, put him in a dark room with his dummy and see if you can try (easier said than done). Well done for making it this far :)
Take comfort in the fact that there is a strong possibility that those mums you see pulling out a bottle may see a bf mum in public and be desperately sad they couldnt/didn't/aren't breastfeeding. I know it's hard, but just enjoy lounging around cuddling and stroking your little one whilst he feeds xxx
Do bf babies have certain ages for growth spurts? And should this kind of feeding last long? Days...weeks? X
They say 2, 3 and 6 weeks and then 3 and 6 months....although i reckon Tom is having one at the moment at 4months - he is in 6-9month clothes though!

I've found the dummy has really helped. I also used to put him in the pram and take him for a walk cause that put him to sleep. Yourprobably really can't be bothered to go out as you must be shattered, but it can help.
You can get fenugreek at health food shops, it's a spice I think but in capsule form.

The frantic feeding your going through just now last about 10 days with Kynon I think. He's had a couple of growth spurts so far and is filling 3-6 month clothes already, so it's def doing him good lol!

In another few weeks you will find bfing is more convenient than bottle as your boob is always there and the right temp. I feed in the car sometimes if there isn't a nice place to go, I'm a bit shy but getting braver, I think we need to get out there more and promote breast feeding as normal too, (maybe not in the doctors, the germs freak me out lol) people arnt being exposed to breast feeding so much these days in the public which hasn't helped our situation that's why you get these weird nasty people who expect us to feed our babies hidden away in a toilet! I nearly always give him a top up just before going out even when he's not due which helps!
Thank you so much ladies,
I had a great sleep last night Issac woke for his regular feed and i felt full for the first time in a while so I'm glad i didn't cave in. Ill get some fenugreek too.

I think when i buy a bf shawl/sling i won't be bothered about feeding its just with him being so fussy at time and latching on and off i don't fancy the world seeing my breasts lol especially when knowing my luck id bump into someone i know and id get embarressed lol xx
I know what you mean! I wear those breast feeding vests under my normal tops which helps too. I was at my SIL the other day and my BIL didn't even realise I was feeding, was funny when I told him he was quite surprised lol!
Oh hon you sound just like me! I feel like I'm always feeding him and some nights I feel so drained I get really close to jacking it in and formula feeding but then the next day is a new day and I'm glad I didn't give in! The 3 month growth spurt was the worst I'd run out of fenugreek tablets and wasn't finding the time to drink enough and I literally ran out of milk, it was 11.45pm Lo refused to latch on because the milk wasn't coming fast enough for him and he was screaming the place down with hunger (despite me feeding him all night and giving him a 5oz bottle at 10pm that I'd expressed that morning) I reluctantly gave him a bottle of that ready made formula in a carton, he choked down 6oz in seconds then fell fast asleep, I had to do the same thing for 4 nights then simultaneously his growth spurt ended and my supply caught up and we were fine again, but boy that week had me at the end of my tether, I couldn't leave the house I was just stuck to a chair feeding him. I'm glad I persevered though and Im back to exclusive bfing but it does sometimes feel easier to bottle feed, esp when going in public, I hate bfing in public its a military operation to time it so I go out between feeds, I agree with Sarah its such a shame there is a negative stigma to doing it in public. I wish more emphasis was placed on the effects of bf in the antenatal classes to prepare us better, I was told loads about the techniques on how to do it but nothing around the frequency your baby may feed, or how to deal with getting caught out in public or how its hard work when they cluster feed or how bf babies can be hard to settle etc then maybe less women would give up in those early weeks.
I think your doing a great job, its bloody hard work and so restricting but when u see your baby start to fill out a new size clothes you know its working and its a great feeling, it does get easier but the growth spurts are hell but just remember they don't last long, take care of yourself with plenty of food and water and you will get there, just remember your not alone me and Sarah have the joy of greedy boys and can feel your pain :)

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