early af


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Hi im a little confused.......i was due my period on the 6th of october but it came on the 3rd.............now i worked it out that if it came on the 6th i would be ov'ing now...........but because it came on the 3rd my ov'ing should have passed............ what is really confusing is im getting all of my ovulation symt now, except i have got thrush that is itching me, this is somthing i never get ( sorry tmi ) what i want to know is if af comes early does it change the time that you will ov?
Hi sarah!

If you're getting ov symptoms now then you're probably ov'ing now so get down to BD!
I think it's pretty common for the ov to happen on different days each month, this is what's making your cycle sometimes last 28 days and sometimes 33 for example. The period leading up to ovulation can vary but the luteal phase (the period after ov till AF) is usually stable. Some women have 14-15 days of luteal phase, some have 12 or less.

Getting your AF early probably meant you ov'ed 3 days earlier than you thought you did last month. Are you using ov sticks to detect ovulation? That should give you a hand with the dates... And then you'll be able to know when your next AF will be due, how long your lp is, when to test etc.

Good luck! Happy BD'ing!

edited to add, i would suggest that you check out that thrush, make sure you've cleared it up. Am not very sure on that but I think thrushes cause the environment in the vagina to be acid and that doesn't help keeping the sperm alive. It's pretty common among women though to develop a thrush, and some women get it in early pregnancy
thrush was an early pg symptom for me. was your af normal?
Emma22 said:
thrush was an early pg symptom for me. was your af normal?
no my af wasnt........i usually bleed for at least 4-5 days but this one only lasted for 2 days......and what was really strange was that the bood was really bright red and that isnt normal for me...........anyway i will wait to see if af comes this month. Thanks for your reply.
might be worth testing just incase? are you having any other symptoms? it may have been implantation bleeding..... :think:

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