

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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Madison still has her dummy at nap and bed time, and I'm in two minds over what to do, I originally wanted it gone by the time she was 1 but it just didnt work out as she got loadsa teeth in a short space of time then we weaned her down to nap and bedtime,

my mummy think is should let her have it as its easier to explain to them its gone?? she says its cruel to take it off her when she doesnt understand?!

i just dontknow!! advice plz!! xx

Just me personally I would let her keep using it. It's not hurting her and she will give it up in her own time. I don't think there's any harm in it xxx
I agree to let her keep it. Have you thought about how you're going to stop it? A friend got her LO to put all her dummy's under the Xmas tree on Christmas eve because Santa was going to take them to give to the little babies that needed them. With my LO I'm going to do the dummy fairy thing when she's 2. Or at least that's the plan!
I agree too, let her keep it, especially as it's just nap and bedtime. I don't think it's doing any harm, but it's up to u xxx
thanks girls! i am v glad u said this really!! xx
I still allow it for naps , she doen take it at bedtime . But I have been putting her for the odd nap without it lately and waiting for her to ask for it , if she doesnt then I dont bother giving her one . I am hoping to gradually wean her off without too much fuss but for now Im not worried . I just wont allow her to have it unless she is sleeping xx
I'd let her keep it too. I wasn't planning on Drake loving his too much at this age but he does and it doesn't bother me. He shows no signs of lessoning his dummy time either so i'll let him have it till he's old enough to explain that he doesn't need it.
Charley stopped his dummy about 2 months ago and even though I'm glad he did, with him teething, it's hell! It's also really hard to get him to nap, before you'd give him his dummy and he'd fall asleep, now he fights his naps for at least half hour! Do as someone suggested, let her give it to the dummy fairies but when she's ready!
I will let Alfie use his Dummy until he is old enough for the dummy fairy!! ( too much supernanny). It worked with my other two, they understood in the morning there would be something special in its place and I never had any problems xxx
I think as long as youre restricting it to nap time it should be alright, keep an eye on the teeth too, thats my worry with LO, I dont want him to need a brace because of something Ive done, ahh the parent guilt!!
Matthew just gave it up at about 5 months, just wouldn't take it and screamed if I tried to put it in his mouth!

AJ gave his to the dummy fairy at Easter.
I found it easier as I could explain it to him. Our dummy fairy visited 3 nights running to leave a special present and by the 3rd night he'd accepted the dummy fairy wasn't bringing them back.
What a great idea about the dummy fairy ladies!! Never had any luck getting mine to take one, but did get Devon to take a muslin as a blanket thing as he is like Laceysmummy's charley and fights every nap or sleep, we have to hold his hands still in the end as he thrashes (that sounds worse than it is!, just hold them like a cuddle! or he bashes himself and keeps waking)
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