dummy question


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2015
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Dummy question - have any of you mummies introduced a dummy to ur babies ? if yeah at how old ?
I want to but feel as though because I am breastfeeding it might confuse my lb and he won't ask for milk when he's hungy !
Or am I just being silly ? Google says a lot of scary things like it will affect babies in so many ways !
I'm hoping not to give our baby a dummy. I think I'd like to find other ways of soothing them but obviously until she is here I don't know. They also don't recommend you give a dummy for so long as you need to get used to what they need and there lips help with getting to know, or something like that! There's also a few kids at school who have really bad teeth and it's because they still have a dummy and they are 4!
My son was given a dummy against my wishes in NICU. He was breastfed for 3 weeks but wasn't confused at all. He knew dummy was definitely not food but still used it for comfort. He did so until he was 4 years old >. <

We introduced a dummy to my daughter after the recommended 3 weeks into breadtfeeding. She didn't really take to it and even now isn't fussed. She started to use me for comfort (constantly 'feeding') and it was beyond exhausting. I wish she had taken to a dummy just to give me a rest.

Sometimes you need peace and if a dummy is the only way then there's nothing wrong with it :) It's personal preference and how your baby reacts. He'll spit it out if he's not interested. Do what you feel is best xXx
My daughter never had a dummy. When she was about 4 months she got really fussy and so in desperation we tried one but she never liked it.
I'm really glad she didn't now as I know quite a few babies that are so reliant on them
I didn't want to use a dummy but my lg had colic really bad so I gave her one at 4 weeks after my oh and mum kept asking me to. At the time I'm glad I did but now I wish I hadn't. At 9 months I have to get up once or twice a night to put it back in. I took it off her at 6 months but then two teeth came through and really upset her so I gave it back

It has never affected bf thou

If you can manage without do
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My little boy didn't he be a,dummy for months but one night when universally who'd not sleep we have him one,and never looked back. He just has it for bedtime but they he usually spits it out,when he's,asleep and we,relearning him off it now.
Both my children have had and have dummies. I gave my son one when he was 2 weeks old and I was breastfeeding and he didn't get confused and he wasn't too fussed about giving it up when he was 2, he traded it for a charlie bear! My daughter had one in nicu to help her associate feeds with sacking she would have it whilst being tube fed. She still has one at 9 months old but isn't that fussed with it and only uses it if upset she will take it out to go to sleep. Xxx
I wasn't sure about dummies at first, I got bought some MAM ones but she wouldn't take it when we tried, at 3 weeks she developed colic/reflux and would cry for hours at a time, so we got desperate!! I decided to buy tommee tippee ones and she took this one straight away. I only give it to her when she is crying really bad and never at night. She is not becoming confused and has a dummy, breast and bottle(expressing) as she won't latch to left breast. I may regret it one day, however I had a dummy until I was 3/4 years old and it didn't affect me at all, I never needed braces or anything.
I gave my daughter a dummy at around 3 months to help comfort her on a night time when she was teething. We haven't really had any problems. She is 2 year old now and only uses her dummy at bed time to fall asleep. Once she is asleep it falls out and she doesnt wake or cry for it back :) x
We had one for dd1 but she wasn't interested which was fine. Bought a couple for this time and if they want it then it's there if not no problem! xx
Jackson was very dummy fussy. He only would take the avent ones as apposed to the cherry teat - and even then, he usually didn't take it.

I tried to give him one as he went through quite bad reflux, so to help space feeds Id try but he never liked one, neither did I or OH mind you so, perhaps he just wasnt keen.

At 4m I decided as he didnt ever use it for a while Id stop giving him one.

PS - I was a dummy snob before I had my child, you try anything that will help that baby if it needs :lol: Also, try not to worry about long term use, as long as baby isnt over using it, or using it whilst talking it should be ok. My LO is 3 and still has a bottle at night, but as hes never had a dummy or doesnt still get lots of bottles, or have any other comforter I dont mind. His speech and teeth are perfect.


I gave my little boy a dummy at 3 weeks and he was excl breastfed and he had no problems at all and piled on the weight, so do what you need to do.
I felt awful giving him and dummy and now I have no idea why, some children just need it.
good luck x
Nipple confusion is actually very rare so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I always hated dummies but both of mine have had them at night as they were using me as a dummy constantly otherwise. Mine also have had no problems with teeth, speech, etc. I always just say do what's best for you and your baby :) xx
My little boy had a dummy from early on - still has them for nap and bedtime but not during the day unless he is ill or very upset.

There is a link to suggest that dummies can help reduce the risk of sids in young babies, however if you do give them one it's important to not take them away before 6 months I believe if they do use them.
Sofia had a dummy for a very short time... Mainly because she just didn't want it. I used it whilst breastfeeding and never had problem with confusion. I used it if I was out and about and she wanted feeding, I popped the dummy in until I could find somewhere to comfortably breastfeed.
I tried to use it to settle her at night, but she wasn't too fussed whether she had it or not, she soon just spat it out and fell asleep.
I think I'll be getting a couple of dummies this time, but I won't use unless I have a baby that needs something to comfort to fall asleep.
My daughter is a thumb sucker though so it was a catch 22 for me! Xx
My little girl was very unsettled in the early days. I was very tempted to try a dummy, but was put off every time I met up with my NCT friends whose toddlers still had dummies! I'm glad I didn't now, she has improved lots by herself and will self settle sucking her fists x
My advice is to keep an open mind! It is great to have ideals such as my baby won't have a dummy, my baby won't watch TV (like I thought!) BUT, caring for a newborn is hard.....sleep deprivation is horrible and a happy mummy = a happy baby.

There are so many stories good and bad about every aspect of childbirth and motherhood.....go with the flow, do what suits you and your baby and don't be intimidated by others. In my opinion, a dummy shouldn't be a comforting substitute to 'shut the baby up' - if you have met all their needs and they're still unsettled then go for it!

Oh, and my son has a dummy for sleeping and watches TV regularly!
I was really against dummies because I didn't want my little girl to be totally reliant on it and need one for years but after a couple of weeks struggling to find something to soothe her other than letting her suck on my finger we relented and gave her one. She hated the tommee tippee one that has a sort of squashed teat but instantly took the one TT ones that have a more finger shaped teat. Unfortunately she does mostly rely on it all night, she'll sleep without it if it falls out but if she stirs she needs it back and that means that at 14 months I can be in and out her room 4 times a night or more some nights to put it back in. But then again other nights she doesn't stir. She shows no signs of giving it up and I will be unkeen to give this baby one if I don't need to but you have to do what you can to keep your sanity! X
My little sister was a real dummy addictive! Until (!) 4 years. I hope my boy wouldn't ve so addictive :D

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