Due to BMI and weight

Well I've just re read my notes from 20 week scan yesterday and he has said restricted view due to adiposity which basically means I'm too fat yet at 12 week scan had no problem visability good!I am quite shocked yes I have got large bmi but only put on 4 lb can't see that makin great deal of difference in 8 weeks. Just thought i would hav a little rant lol x
I had scans aaaaaall the way through my pregnancy around 20+ and only at 35 weeks they decided to say that the view was restricted lol. They never had problems earlier on & I lost over a stone when I was pregnant xxx

Well I've just re read my notes from 20 week scan yesterday and he has said restricted view due to adiposity which basically means I'm too fat yet at 12 week scan had no problem visability good!I am quite shocked yes I have got large bmi but only put on 4 lb can't see that makin great deal of difference in 8 weeks. Just thought i would hav a little rant lol x

Nothing was said in my notes, but my 20 week scan yesterday was no where near as clear as my 12 week one. And I didn't even have a full bladder at 12 weeks! And I've lost a few pounds since then too. So, don't feel too bad about it, maybe 20 week scans are more fuzzy in general?? :) x
I was just annoyed as he said it was bein stubborn and baby wouldn't move I wouldn't of minded if he'd have said in a polite way it's cus your a little larger then to put different on my notes x
I had a bmi of 36.at booking in appoint. I now have a bmi of 34 due to loosing just over a stone during the pregnancy including the fact there is a baby in there. Still I asked if I could use birth center now because I'm less than before they said no because they normally class it as 30 or over not 35 despite what my notes say in terms of risks and she said it wouldnt matter my weight now it is booking in weight that Matters ??? Well surely not. They haven't weighed me n don't seem to bothered since booking in everything else is fine n I personally just feel annoyed I asked the risks involved with a bmi this high they said its mainly the fact you may bleed more afterwards and also you may find that your bp spikes suddenly during birth and we have to intervene more. Which is fair enough I guess but then our birth center is upstairs its literally a ride down in a lift ro labour ward if it did go wrong. So frustrating I honestly fort as everything has been normal and becaude my bmi has decreased that I'd be ok but apparently not. Sigh just dissapointed x
I was under consultant care for both pregnancies.

Its really not a big deal so long as you're not piling on the pounds through them.

I had beautifully quick labours with no problems whatsoever Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
I've been told high risk is 32. I was weighed late because I had to cancel my first appointment so I was about 10 weeks. I'm 33.something and EVERY time I've seen a midwife they patronise me with scare mongering. The last woman suggested I join local class for obese mums to be. I'm getting so angry with them. I keep telling them I've no intention of going to those classes and that I am perfectly healthy. My blood pressure has always been fine, blood and urine tests are absolutely fine... I'm starting to find it rude.

I put on about 7lbs within the first 4-6 weeks and have only gained an additional 3lbs since.
I've been told high risk is 32. I was weighed late because I had to cancel my first appointment so I was about 10 weeks. I'm 33.something and EVERY time I've seen a midwife they patronise me with scare mongering. The last woman suggested I join local class for obese mums to be. I'm getting so angry with them. I keep telling them I've no intention of going to those classes and that I am perfectly healthy. My blood pressure has always been fine, blood and urine tests are absolutely fine... I'm starting to find it rude.

I put on about 7lbs within the first 4-6 weeks and have only gained an additional 3lbs since.

I'm sorry they're being so judgemental and rude :(
Like you, I'm perfectly healthy although my BMI is over 40. Think it's 41 or something like that.
I used to get really angry when they kept telling me I had to take aspirin and blood thinners and do all sorts of other things. Now when they try to talk to me about it I just tell them to look at my notes because I'm sick of explaining myself to them.
I hate that they'll tell you all about the risks of being overweight but they won't tell you any of the risks associated with the drugs they want you to take.

My advice to you would be to be firm with them. Don't take their shit. Don't let them ruin your pregnancy by making you feel like you've done something wrong. My midwife is always telling me that they promote informed choice. She said that as long as you know the risks AND benefits involved in your decision then the medical professionals should respect that.

Good luck and congratulations :D
Im really shocked at that. My bmi was 39 when I fell pregnant both times. I did lose weight throughout my pregnancies though. However I didnt ever get spoken to like that. Its not on. I know they need to inform you of the risks etc but to keep on it too much.

Stay strong with them x

Tapatalking! Can't see tickers!
remember the position of a baby at a 12 week scan is right low down on your public line- below belly

at 20 weeks that baby has risen up and is behind the extra weight so i think expecting a restricted view at 20 week vs 12 week would be normal for ladies with a higher BMI??
ive not had horrid comments from anyone ever, my bmi was 39 in first preg and 42 this time during so im edffo well in the obese category yet noone has made me feel huge or horrid about it. all my vitals and tests have been spot on, ive never been offered extra meds or vits or anything i think its all a lottery on who you talk to. i now know most of the community midwives and can safely say we have a lovely team of women here
My BMI is high and I've found the consultant midwives I've had have been lovely x
Well my consultant is very judgemental and j came home a d have cried ever since. (Long post about it on tri2) I feel like I never want to eat again for fear of putting on weight
What! If I wss you id not see them again hun. X

Tapatalking! Can't see tickers!
No one has weighed me since my original bookin in :-/ I think I've put on just over 2 stone and they told me I could only put on one but I used to be another three stone heavier than I am now and I feel fine I will let you know how I get on during labour hopefully within the next few weeks x
My MW said to me that it is MY choice where to give birth, not any consultants. The med profession I think is often biased against us heavier women because we do not fit into their "healthy norm". If you are healthy and fit, regardless of your weight then we should not be stereotyped into "risk factors" that may or may not be true for each one of us. The MW I saw was fab, and I felt that she would really respect my choices and use common sense. She even recommended a home birth for me, whereas I bet the consultant when I see them will prefer me strapped to a hospital bed in a position that makes their job easier, but my labour harder for me. I plan to cooperate with the automatic "consultant led" approach that the statistics dictate (even though I do not agree), and then go and make my own choices for birth towards the end based on what I feel is right, how I feel later on, how my pregnancy has progressed, and with medical advice but not bullying. Chances are, that will involve a home birth irrespective of my age and bmi. This is my 4th and I should know how capable I am by now! My worst birth experience has been in a hospital delivery ward - never again ( I hope). Second choice for me would be midwife led unit.
That is just my experience .
My BMI is 32 at booking. I'm a bit gutted because last time it was 31 and I got gestational hypertension at the end (even though my blood pressure at booking was on the low side) it led to a whole host of intervention and early labour around strangers on antenatal ward, followed by a very traumatic emergency section. I am absolutely petrified of it happening again and was hoping to drop some weight before TTC. This pregnancy was not planned so here I am an obese vbac mum with history of gestational hypertension. :wall: I will ask my OH to film the consultants face when I tell them I wanted a home birth :lol:
Oh, titch, poor you. Is there any way they can treat the high blood pressure in pregnancy? Your comment about filming the consultant made me laugh!
I was on labetalol before and a month after my son was born. It makes you feel tired which is really not helpful when you are already dealing with a newborn! .Really the recommended treatment is getting the baby born. In a way I was lucky I was already full term so it wasn't a risk to baby. Thats why they induced me on the ward, to try and get him out

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