My MW said to me that it is MY choice where to give birth, not any consultants. The med profession I think is often biased against us heavier women because we do not fit into their "healthy norm". If you are healthy and fit, regardless of your weight then we should not be stereotyped into "risk factors" that may or may not be true for each one of us. The MW I saw was fab, and I felt that she would really respect my choices and use common sense. She even recommended a home birth for me, whereas I bet the consultant when I see them will prefer me strapped to a hospital bed in a position that makes their job easier, but my labour harder for me. I plan to cooperate with the automatic "consultant led" approach that the statistics dictate (even though I do not agree), and then go and make my own choices for birth towards the end based on what I feel is right, how I feel later on, how my pregnancy has progressed, and with medical advice but not bullying. Chances are, that will involve a home birth irrespective of my age and bmi. This is my 4th and I should know how capable I am by now! My worst birth experience has been in a hospital delivery ward - never again ( I hope). Second choice for me would be midwife led unit.
That is just my experience .