due in may


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Oct 5, 2010
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So been having a look and theres alot of us due in May.. Theres even someone due on the same day as me :D

So if your due in May add you date and a bit about yourself and your pregnancy .. we can them keep an eye on eachother and check up all the way through (if you want)

So Im beth, 20 this is my 2nd pregnancy and im due 18th May 2011.
Thankfully had no sickness yet, but alot of bad headaches and tiredness. Still enjoying my pregnancy so far and not letting myself worry :D xx
Im Kerry im 23, this is my second pregnancy. According to my widwife im due on the 7th May but to my dates im due 11/12th but ive got my 12 week scan on Tuesday so will find out then, im really excited but nervous at the same time x x

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according to my dates I was due 4th may but my scan put me back 2 weeks :D

Bet your excited for your scan.. i had one at 7 weeks and hopefully going to book another one for 12 weeks. :D
I'm emma and I'm 25. This is my first baby and I'm due around the 27th may. My scan in a few weeks will tell me the exact date though xx
according to my dates I was due 4th may but my scan put me back 2 weeks :D

Bet your excited for your scan.. i had one at 7 weeks and hopefully going to book another one for 12 weeks. :D

I am excited hun, i had one at 6 weeks and 9 weeks at the epu due to pains but my OH didnt come with me so hes really excited :) Do you not get a 12 week scan? x x

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according to my dates I was due 4th may but my scan put me back 2 weeks :D

Bet your excited for your scan.. i had one at 7 weeks and hopefully going to book another one for 12 weeks. :D

I am excited hun, i had one at 6 weeks and 9 weeks at the epu due to pains but my OH didnt come with me so hes really excited :) Do you not get a 12 week scan? x x

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All my scans are done privately as im in Turkey, so can have one whenever I want as long as Im willing to pay. My doctor told me I didnt need another until 16 weeks but think Im going to get one anyway :D
Hey :)
I'm Helen, I'm 29 in a weeks time lol. By my dates I'm due on the 13th of May! Have my scan same day as Kerry :) so we shall see! Very excited!
according to my dates I was due 4th may but my scan put me back 2 weeks :D

Bet your excited for your scan.. i had one at 7 weeks and hopefully going to book another one for 12 weeks. :D

I am excited hun, i had one at 6 weeks and 9 weeks at the epu due to pains but my OH didnt come with me so hes really excited :) Do you not get a 12 week scan? x x

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All my scans are done privately as im in Turkey, so can have one whenever I want as long as Im willing to pay. My doctor told me I didnt need another until 16 weeks but think Im going to get one anyway :D

Didnt realise you were in Turkey hun, things vary so much, even in this country but the thought of having a scan whenever you want must be so reassuring but i imagine it could become very expensive! x x

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I'm Ashlea, I'm 28, and this is my first pregnancy. My dates put me as due 21st May, midwife has me down for 14th, but like others am waiting to get my 12 week scan to know for sure. Ticker is a few days out but no point changing it til I've had my scan! Am checking post every day for appointment letter, dead excited for it.
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Hey, im due about 28th may but that could change after scan! Have my scan on 9th may and im sooooooooooooo excited!! x
Hey, im due about 28th may but that could change after scan! Have my scan on 9th may and im sooooooooooooo excited!! x

Do you mean 9th nov??

And cant wait to see everyones scans on here :D im hopefully going for my 12 week on the 3rd november and cant wait :D
lol yeah 9th nov... another bloody 2 weeks to wait! x
Hi, I'm Kim, 27.. This is my third pregnancy. i have an 8 year old daughter. I miscarried in July. I had a scan at 8 weeks which was lovely to see...everything was fine! i have my 12 week scan on 11th November which i'm really looking forward to. At the 8 week scan the midwife said my due date of 25th May was spot on.
Few of us here far then .. we'll all behaving our 12 week scans soon enough..

Just an interesting fact but apparently according to research on average babys born in may are slightly bigger than every other months average. Nice big healthy babies for us :D
Hi, I'm Stacey and 22. This is my first pregnancy and I'm should be due around the 28th May. Have a scan on the 22nd November so I will find out for definite then :)
Hi I'm Becki, due 14th May. I'm 28 and a mum to 3 year old little boy. My scan is on Monday and I'm so nervous. The pregnancy so far has been so different from my first. I haven't had any sickness - just ridiculously tired, but think that may have something to do with having a 3 year old to run after too.
Look forward to getting to know you all. :)
Hi I'm Michelle, I'm 31 and this will be my first baby. According to midwife my due date is 29th May but like others will find out for sure when I've had a scan. Can't wait to get my date through the post!
Hi , I'm 39 and me and my OH have put off having kids for as long as possible (after divorce etc)... So it was now or never! I am due on May 5th. Just had my 12 week scan and off to tri 2 tomorrow. Am trying to enjoy my pregnancy and am really excited but also anxious. Have told hardly anyone yet. Am more worried now I've read Beth's comment on baby size lol xx
Hi I'm Becki, due 14th May. I'm 28 and a mum to 3 year old little boy. My scan is on Monday and I'm so nervous. The pregnancy so far has been so different from my first. I haven't had any sickness - just ridiculously tired, but think that may have something to do with having a 3 year old to run after too.
Look forward to getting to know you all. :)

You sound exactly like me, this pregnancy has been so different to the first, My lil boy wil be 3 in january. I havent had any sickness but have been sooooo tired, finally seems to be wearing off a little now though. Just wish these damn head aches would go. You due 4 days before me :D
Hi , I'm 39 and me and my OH have put off having kids for as long as possible (after divorce etc)... So it was now or never! I am due on May 5th. Just had my 12 week scan and off to tri 2 tomorrow. Am trying to enjoy my pregnancy and am really excited but also anxious. Have told hardly anyone yet. Am more worried now I've read Beth's comment on baby size lol xx

Sorry didn't mean to worry you :D I dont mind a bigger baby as long as theyre not huggge .... good luck in tri 2.. see you over there in a few weeks :Dxx

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