Due Date.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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I didn't really want to post this on my TTC journal as I'm not sure I want it staring me in the face on my next entry but I just wanted to write somewhere. So feel free to click off my post xx

March 16th would have been my due date.

We tried for 4 years and 4 months to conceive our miracle. All our fertility tests came back as normal and even two IVF rounds couldn't bring us closer to the baby we've longed for...

The second IVF round left us one frozen embryo, which we were all geared up ready to start treatment in July last year. The month before the transfer was planned my cycle just kept going on and on with no sign of AF.. which I just wanted to start so I could start my Estrogen pills ready for the frozen transfer!

On July 12th on CD34 I cracked and finally took a test just because I wanted to rule it out.. fully expecting a BFN.. and there for the first time in my life were two lines! I didn't believe it! Immediately went on to google, wondered if tescos blue dye tests were awful for evaps.. Hubby didn't believe it either. We both were shaking and crying. He had to go to work though so promised to bring back a range of tests so we could confirm it.. but in my drawer I happened to have a clear blue digi that I thought I'd never get to use!

I honestly didn't think the test would come up with pregnant 1-2 weeks!! That was enough to confirm it for me, but didn't stop me taking more tests the second hubby was home! :lol:

Being pregnant was the most amazing feeling. Sure it was only early days.. but I had noticed so many things! My hair (which is normally super coarse) felt amazing, I had more of an appetite for foods that were good for me (things I wouldn't normally eat because I hate the taste normally!) and I was seeing and enjoying more of my days, was awake at 6am each day (I did need to take a nap!) but felt like I got way more done in the day and just felt so happy!!

I had my first Midwife appointment at 5w5ds.. filled in some forms got both excited and nervous. Lots of new information and never thought we'd actually get to this point!

July 20th the excitement started to fade a little bit as I woke up to pink spotting. It wasn't much but threw me into panic as I thought it could be all over.. the GP called me in and tested for a urine infection. Which it was! They also booked me in for an early scan in a weeks time to check everything. The spotting then stopped for a few days. But came back along with thrush (thanks to antibiotics!).

I tested with a Digi again when spotting stopped and got 2-3 weeks. Thought it was time to be excited again, wrong! Now we will never know for sure if it caused the miscarriage or if it would have always worked out this way but me and hubby were driving home and on the roundabout some idiot just drove in front of us (from the middle lane) because he almost missed his turning. Ruined our car!! It got wrote off. We were both shaken up. Hubby got us home and made me lay down!

Then the spotting came back again! I pestered the doctors again about the scan and the got me booked in for a couple of days later. Too late though.. the spotting turned to red bleeding. With cramps. Then I was passing clots/tissue. This continued all until my scan, the morning of the scan I remember it well.. I had to take a urine sample with me so went to the loo before we left. What I passed upset me so much!! The scan showed nothing at all, was quizzed about whether I was sure about my dates or not! It was no surprise there was nothing there after passing so much already!!

Their pregnancy test was still positive so I had to have bloods and go back for repeat bloods. All I wanted to do was go home and cry. I've never been to an EPAU before but I'm sure ours is one of the worst. It was unorganised and the whole thing was a mess! Had to go back on a Saturday for repeat bloods but no one told me it was closed.. no one offered any sort of kind words, no leaflets, no posters.. It was awful. It took a while for tests to go back to completely negative but the second they did we were back to trying again.

Over 7 months have passed since we lost our Miracle. It still hurts.
It hurts even more to not be pregnant again before our due date.

Every time I think I'm okay and tell myself we don't need a baby to complete our family.. I'm wrong.

Over 5 years of ttc now. We're passed the point of this could still happen and keep trying.. :(
this is exactly how I feel at this moment..


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Hi Millie , I’ve just read your post my heart goes out to you it really does.
There’s nothing anyone can say or do to make that yearning disappear , I know exactly how it feels Hun.
It’s hard not to think of the ‘what ifs’ & I keep telling myself I’m silly thinking ‘oh I would of been 12 weeks now’
But you can’t forget all you can do is try to move on in your own way, everyone is different & copes with things differently.

I hope you eventually get your baby , you just never know what’s round the corner x
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss Millie, it’s just so cruel after you waited so long too. It’s completely understandable that your due date is difficult for you. Ive had three losses and my first due date was last November, we decided to take my nieces and nephew out for the day and I cried all the way when we were driving over to pick them up. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Just as a side thought, and I really hope you don’t me saying this but it really might be worth you looking into implantation testing with your history if you’ve not had any before?
Millie I just had a wee cry reading this and especially the meme u put up as it really hits home. I'm so sorry u have experienced this and understand how hard tomoro will be for u. There is no words that will take away how u feel so I won't even try. Please take care and no I am thinking of u xx
Hey Millie, there are so many women sending you love right now, and as Rach said I know that doesn't alleviate the pain you're feeling but I hope it holds you up a little in the midst of it. I know how attached I've become to each baby the moment I found out (s)he was growing inside and what you've been through is cruel beyond words. The depth of this loss for you is indescribable and I am so sorry. Thinking of you.
:hugs: due dates are the hardest, mine is 15.03 and it always stings

i'm so sorry for your loss and i know your pain, i hope you get your rainbow soon my love xx
Thanks ladies for the kind words xx

It’s been a hard day so far, dreading tomorrow.
Af due any day too! :(
I'm so sorry, this broke my heart. I have every bit of hope that 2018 will be your year. x
I'm so sorry. I know it will happen for you and soon hopefully. I know the feeling of being incomplete without a baby :( things can and will get better x
I'm crying so much at this. We've spoke alot as you know. We have had a similar due date and the same outcome and it's so hard to see someone in as much pain as you are but I want to thank you Millie for being here for me and listening. I hope tomorrow comes and goes as quickly and painlessly for you as possible.
Thanks Ladies xx

Pinkz, always here for you if you need a chat or a moan xx
Sending a lot of love and strength.
My major DD passed in jan from my MMC, I just made sure I was busy all day! Still sucked though!
Just remember no one is expecting you to be strong, Be bitter, cry , sulk, Drink...! Do what you have to do, Becuase it fucking sucks and no one should have to got through it!
Sending good vibes for tomorrow!
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you today.
Don’t post on here much but just felt compelled to say hope you are coping the best way you can today, I too have had a loss and the due date is horrid, everybody has there own ways of dealing with it and I don’t think the pain ever goes away. Your not alone and just try and take care of yourself today and allow yourself to grieve. Hugs xxx
Sending love and light to you :flower: its so difficult, and although many of us have been there, no words are the right words.

The fact that you hold your baby in your heart and not your arms is not fair, especially after the journey you've had.

My first pregnancy was an EDD of my best friend's birthday so it's always a marked event for me. nearly 7 years on and I remember, a lot of the feelings come back.

Hoping you've been kind to yourself today, treat yourself to some daffodils - something bright to look at. xxx Thinking of you x
Just read your story. Pretty much the same as mine (apart from the car accident). My due date would have been 29th March and like you I won't be pregnant before then! It's such a hard time for us all xx
:( that's made me so upset reading it. Thinking of you x

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