Due Date!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Yay, it's my due date and as much as I want my baby, it's still quite exciting to be here (at least I get to take another bumpy pic LOL)!

So I clearly have no maternal instinct as I thought I would be early, two of my sisters also thought early so their bets are out. My Dad thinks the 12th (it's written in his calendar LOL), my other sister thinks around Valentine's day and my Mum thinks he'll come when he's ready (she is a University professor - so very smart!)

Anyway I hope cub is being fashionably late and won't have to get smoked out in 12 days!

Also yay to my DD buddy Mrs. KM - I wonder which one of us will pop first? Hopefully whoever it is will set the other one off (despite the distance of the atlantic LOL)
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:yay: :dance: :pompom:

Go bear cub!!!!! Can't wait to get to my due date, although hoping Pip makes an appearance before then obviously! Lol!
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Yay, FX it won't be long now :) x
happy due date! Hopefully it will be soon for you! How exciting!!!!! xxx
Happy due date to both of you!!! It's so close for you guys now, how exciting xxx
Happy due date to you, Verity, and Mrs KM... The race is on!!! :)
Happy Due Date Verity & Mrs.KM :pompom:
Bear Cub will hopefully make an lovely awaited appearence soon. xx
aww, happy due date hun :) cant wait to see your new pic!

I dont think cub will be long by the looks of last weeks pic!! xx
Yay! Happy due date hun! I can't believe it's your due date - time seems to be flying by!! XXX
Happy due date ladies. The race is on! Who will win. lol. xxx
Thanks Verity and everyone! Happy due date to you too! it doesn't matter who wins, I just want a labour thread going haha!
Thanks Verity and everyone! Happy due date to you too! it doesn't matter who wins, I just want a labour thread going haha!

I know me too! I think once one of us goes we'll all start popping!

Thanks ladies!

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