DS test results..how long did they take?


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hey ladies,

Just wondering how long it took for your results for the DS test to come back?
I had my scan Monday and the MW told me I would get them back by Wednesday but I still haven't heard anything. I tried to call yesterday and left a message on the answer machine service they have but no call back. :( NO news is good news but still just want to know so it's another thing to get ticked off.

thank you
Hi mrswoody

Im presuming its the results of the nuchal scan you mean?

We had ours done on the Monday when we had our 12 week scan then we went back on the Friday as "guinea pigs" for training. I then got a call on the Wednesday to go and see them due to the apparent missing nasal bone and did we want an amnio test. At that stage the lady told me nuchal measurements and bloods taken were fine - not sure how long it would have taken them otherwise

Hope you get the results soon xx
I got mine at the next MW appt because they were low risk, if they were high risk she said she would have called x

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thanks girls. Yes I mean the nuchal scan. It's a bit frustrating when they say one thing and don't do it. I seem to be unlucky with my mw's and everything antenatal at the moment!
I was lucky as I got mine within the hour.

They took the blood test before the scan and sent it to be tested.

I got the results of the Nuchal Fold as soon as scan was over (baby was good so scan was done in 25 minutes!) we came back half an hour later and got the actual results.

They looked at babies heart, nuchal fold, nasal bone and my blood to give my overall risk (which was very, very low!)

Hope you hear soon

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I got a letter about 2 and a half weeks laterx
i got mine about 2-3 weeks later too by letter :)
I was told if there was a problem or indication of higher risk I would have been phoned within 7 days. However, I got my letter yesterday - 17 days after the test and it has come back low risk. No news is good news. They would almost certainly call you if there was a need. Try not to worry.xx
I was told I'd get a letter within 3 days if there was a high risk, but that I'd get a letter within 7 if it was low risk. I received my letter in 3 days but it was low risk they were just ultra efficient which was unexpected lol.
My fluid results i got straight after scan, my blood results just over a week later xxx
I got a letter just over a week later hun, hope yours comes soon x x
i think if there's a serious problem they'd call u ASAP I think no call is good news too
They dont bother contacting you unless its urgent, you will hear off them soon x
2 weeks for the letter of the blood results to come back x
Turns out I was meant to get a scan report on Monday but they didn't give me one. Feel like I've no clue what's going on anymore! Grrr I think the maternity care here is rubbish so I'm looking into moving hospital
Turns out I was meant to get a scan report on Monday but they didn't give me one. Feel like I've no clue what's going on anymore! Grrr I think the maternity care here is rubbish so I'm looking into moving hospital

I got mine in the post today.

What do you mean you were supposed to get a scan report? What's that?:eh:

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