Dropping the 11pm bottle.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I want to drop the 11pm bottle soon as I don't think she really needs it and it's just habit now. She'll have her last bottle at 6pm (ish) then I will wake her for the 11pm bottle and she will usually only take 120ml. Now I'm having to go in and wake her at 8am and she's not that bothered about having a bottle immediately, she used to wake at 7am so she is sleeping in later and later so I don't think the 11pm bottle is necessary anymore. I prefer the 7am waking as we can get up and out earlier.

Any tips would be great. I managed to drop night feeds quite easily by offering water which only took a week to get her to go through the night at 2 months. Bit different this time though as she's older and more set in her ways.

We did try just not waaking her at 11pm one night last week but she woke at 12 on her own anyway, more out of habit I think :think:
We just fed her when it suited us (7pm) and then left her. She might wake at midnight the first night, but then it'll be 1am, 3am... and then one night she won't wake. We did this when Connie was about your Connie's age (or maybe a bit younger) and she's slept 13 hours solid since.
We just didn't give her the 11pm bottle and she was fine :D . She woke at 2am and 4am but wasn't crying just chatting to herself so we left her and got up at 7am :cheer:

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