Dropping lunch feed at 8 months?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Owens kinda not taking his lunch bottle anymore. He has 8 oz in the morning and 8oz at night and then used to have 7 oz at lunch but has stopped taking it the past few days. He is weaning too as has breakfast, small lunch and dinner. Do u think he is naturally growing out of it? He started drinking alot of water too and his poos have been a bit runny but he is fine in himself!! Any ideas? Thank u x
My LO is starting to drop a feed, going from 4 to 3 feeds. He is dropping his bedtime bottle though! I spoke to my HV about it and she said as long as he's getting some milk every day its fine. Babies won't starve themselves so he is obviously getting enough from his solids during the day.
My lo was the same, at eight months he was eating really well at breakfast lunch and dinner, and milk feeds gradually became less. I let him be my guide iykwim sometimes he would have about 4oz and then 3oz and gradually i cut the lunch bottle out, then the morning one etc etc and now he just has one a day. Hes prob just letting u know hes not interested anymore especially if he is eating well! I just made sure he got milk in his cereal and used his formula in things like mashed potatoes etc etc i didnt use full fat cows milk till he was a bit older but i think its ok to give in food from 6months?
we still do 5 feeds a day at 8,12,3.30,7,11. she takes 200mls at each of them apart from the 3.30 which i didn't give today and gave a snack and a bit of water. it definatly meant she ate more dinner.
i think as long as they are getting 500-600mls of milk then thats ok.
Constantstar he is doing exactly as he should be! I rang my health visitor about this exact same thing yesterday. She is just under 7mths and started to drop her lunchtime bottle at the start of the week so I was a bit concerned like you are.

HV explained that she is naturally moving towards what is ideal at this age i.e 2 bottles & 3 spoonfeeds per day. She too has an 8oz bottle in the morning and the same at bedtime. She advised that as long as she was getting enough water then I should stop offering this bottle.

She also said well done for getting into the ideal routine with no problems so.... well done u too! x
Jack has 5 bottles a day but doesn't drink many oz from them. He'll have them inbetween each meal so before brekkie, mid morning before lunch, mid afternoon before dinner, 1 before bed and then a night feed. They tell you when they don't want something anymore so i'd go with it x
He has 3oz in his porridge in the morning so I guess not dropping too much milk!! Also what do give ur little ones for lunch? Owen was having fruit and a yoghurt but from today as he dropped his milk I'm going to try give him something a bit more substantial like pasta and sauce and a yoghurt? X
You could try pasta with sauce, mashed potatoes, spag bol, toast with jam or peanut butter etc etc erc..... my lo loves sandwiches although he was about 9months or so before he actually started toneat them properly!

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