Driving myself crazy too (theme of the day?!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Even though my private scan at 6 weeks showed a heartbeat and everything in right place etc I am constantly worrying about having a mmc (have not had one previously but had a mc in Sep) and can't believe a little person is still growing inside me when I don't feel anything. The few symptoms I did have have pretty much gone now and I've wound myself up reading too many google stories about symptoms going=mmc. I have felt slightly better this afternoon having found out my OH's cousin is 11 weeks pregnant and has had NO symptoms at all...no sickness, no nothing, and she doesn't seem worried, but maybe that's because it's her first pregnancy and she's never had a mc?

Got my scan date through today for 4th Jan which seems like such an age away :( Who ever said this pregnancy business was easy???
It really is the theme, I got myself so worked up this morning about my symptoms going and linking it to another mmc!! But I can say after my scan today I am prove that symptoms disappearing does not mean bad things :) the scan was amazing this morning, wish I could have one every week or every day :) xx
I would LOVE to have another one before Xmas to put my mind at ease but OH has vetoed that as he thinks I'm winding myself up about nothing and that it'll all be fine. I know in the scheme of things 4th Jan isn't that far away but it feels like an age!!
So happy for you that your scan went well today :)

Suppose I'm just worried about my symptoms going at 9 weeks as I've read it's normal for them to go towards end of 1st tri but I don't think 9 weeks counts as end??
My symptoms practically stopped a week ago, just tiny bit sore boobs is all I got now. I had a mmc 5yrs ago and I knew around the 8 week mark that baby had died so when I had scan at 11 weeks I wasn't surprised. Although my symptoms have practically gone I haven't had that feeling of loss so I'm thinking it's just normal at 9 weeks+ for them to calm now. It's still a huge worry though. Good luck with your scan xx
Well I haven't had a feeling of loss either, like I did when I had my early mc (I wasn't bleeding very much at all but just knew, and when I went to the scan it had all gone so no surprise for me either). So I guess us not feeling that way this time is a good sign :) And I keep imagining seeing baby at the 12 week scan. I guess I just REALLY can't get my head around not feeling anything at the moment!! Symptoms at least make you feel like something is going on inside. Just not sure how pregnancy this early is meant to feel??! So that's when I end up comparing myself to others and panicking that I'm not throwing up etc..

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