Drinking in the 2ww over christmas


Active Member
Nov 20, 2007
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Evening ladies

Good luck everybody and hope there are lots of BFP's for Christmas and the New Year!

I'm going to be in the 2ww over christmas and I was wondering if you guys still have a drink? Don't get me wrong I don't want to get legless but as this will only be our 2nd month TTC I don't want to draw unnecessary attention and make a big thing out of it yet!! I'm due to ovulate around the 17th I think.

Lots of babydust from Santa please
I'm struggling with this atm - I have a christmas meal tomorrow and a reunion on saturday. When I mentioned I was driving tomorrow the first comment I got was "are you pregnant" :shock:

one or two would be fine - but the only way I can get away with not drinking all night is to drive and have none.

I was going to test tomorrow morning - but I don't want to get a bfn (cos it's way too early to test really :oops: ) and then be tempted to drink through being down.

TBH if I don't get a bfp this month, I have to take next month off anyway as I ov Christmas day - so at least I can have a drink then :wink:

edited as I obviously can't remember the difference between bfp and bfn :roll:
I will be having a few drinks if i fancy them and tww wont change that, i cant put my life on hold for ttc
Thanks libs but I think you mean you don't want a BFN not you don't want a BFP :rotfl: isn't that why we are all here LOL

Good luck for December BFP's
:rotfl: I was just editing the post to change that :oops:

sadly that's about the 1000th time i've done that :oops:
i'll be on my 2WW and if i want a drink i will but i rarely drink anyway. :D
And its lie i have said before if i dont get a BFP and i know i wont then I wont be trying for a very long time due to DS.
i found out i was pg on the 6th of january very unexpected and i drank a few vkds over christmas and new year and it didnt do any harm, just dont go over the top and have a good time
I'm due to test this month on 16th so if it's a BFN we are taking a month off and just relaxing over christmas and new year. We'll still BD and I'm still temp just to keep my chart up to date but I'm going to just enjoy being able to have a drink and make the most of christmas :hug:
We'll be TTC over xmas and we've decided to relax and enjoy ourselves as we would if we weren't TTC. So yes, we'll be enjoying the odd glass of wine or two in the TWW.

We're not big drinkers anyway but I want to enjoy myself over xmas as I would do normally.
same... chrimbo is our relaxation period & if that involves a few drinks so be it..

we'll still be trying but gonna *attempt* to not stress so much about trying to make a baby and just enjoy each other. if it don't happen by jan though, i'm gonna invest in some opk's. lol

I'll be around my 2ww at xmas, and it wont stop me having a few drinks. We are going to my inlaws and the last thing I want is my mother in law grilling me about not drinking as she would say i was preg.
Ill have a drink or 2 over xmas, NYE will be harder not to drink alot on, but the possibilty of having a healthy baba is far more important! Im hosting a party anyway so its probably wise to stay farely sober anyway (so I can laugh at everyone else :wink: )
I should be having the big O on the 20th Dec so I will have a wee drink over xmas but I won't be getting legless - i'll leave that for drowning my sorrows in the new year if it's another bfn.
I'm pretty sure I'm in the 2ww right now, I won't worry about drinking over the next fortnight either. Probability/chances are so thin anyway (not that that's a good thing :( ), and I drank before I knew I was pregnant, everyone says it doesn't do any harm. It's hardly the same as fetal alcohol syndrome so I can't see one of two drinks next week doing any harm.

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