Drinking and smoking while TTC


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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As some of you may know, I recently suffered a MMC at 12 weeks. Found out the baby died at 7 weeks 2 days. I'm convinced something wasn't right from the start as I never felt pregnant.

Anyway, I know people keep telling me not to blame myself but I actually would feel better if I had a reason, even if that means blaming myself.

When I was TTC, I was still drinking and smoking. I was drinking pretty much every day, not loads during the week but quite a bit during the weekends as I was always out and about. I smoked quite heavily as well. For this reason, I kept doing pregnancy tests to check if I was pregnant so that I could stop as soon as I found out. Well I found out I was pregnant this time at about 3.5 weeks and gave up pretty much straight away.

What I want to know is is it possible that this caused my miscarriage? I know they say that if you smoke and drink while TTC it can reduce the quality of your eggs. This time, I intend to stop drinking and smoking completely when TTC so I know that nothing I have done could affect my pregnancy.

I don't think I have any medical problems as, when I was 17 (please don't judge me), I had a termination of my own choice. I had got pregnant with the boyfriend I was with at the time. I didn't want him in my life forever and nor did I feel ready for a child. I didn't realise I was pregnant until about 10/11 weeks as I was in complete denial about the whole thing. I knew I had missed a few periods but put this down to the stress of my exams that I was taking at the time. Anyway, I had a scan at about 12/13 weeks and the baby was completely healthy. I have to say that I don't regret having this termination, I just regret getting pregnant in the first place. But the termination was the right thing for me to do.

I feel terrible that I aborted a perfectly healthy baby and this time, I couldn't have wanted my baby any more than I did but it died. I just want to know if you think drinking and smoking while TTC could have had an effect?
i wasnt TTC when i first got pregnant with melissa, but i was taking large amounts of cocaine and amphetamines, probably around conception and during early pregnancy too. i got my BFP at 6 weeks and quit everything cold turkey :angel: and still had a healthy nine months and now have a healthy strapping 18-month-old

i wasnt TTC when i got pregnant last month either, wasnt on coke but i was taking zydol, valium and codeine i'd been prescribed after a car accident and i was on prozac too. i got my BFP at 4 weeks 4 days and again quit everything cold turkey. sadly i miscarried that baby at 5 weeks.

most miscarriages are down to a problem with either the egg, or the sperm, or both- at conception and are "doomed" from the start- sadly- we have no control over it some folk can be the epitome of health and still miscarry.

try not to blame yourself i kno its hard thou :hug:

PS i contemplated aborting both my pregnancies- i think all unplanned pregnancies are considered- i for one certainly wont judge you. i feel terrible that i lost my second baby because i'd agreed to have a termination and "wished" a m/c on myself, i felt like i'd "jinxed" it :(
Please don't blame yourself. :hug:

I know people who have taken heroin and methadone all the way through their pregnancies and the baby survived (had to do cold turkey but survived)

I also know people who have smoked including marijuana and drank heavily and took cocain throughout their pregnancies and have given birth.

My opinion on mc's is: It just wasn't ment to be from day one, no matter what you do whatever happens was always going to happen.

:hug: Good luck TTC again :hug:
Certainly wouldn't judge anyone. I know it's hard to give up addictions. Maybe it's just the luck of the draw xxx

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