Drinking alcohol


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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What are people's opinions on this? Is it safe to have a couple of small glasses of wine at weekends?
Although the evidence for FAS is only related to heavy, persistent drinking, I'm not sure that I'd risk it myself. This is mainly because I'm utterly paranoid. I gather that the official advice is to avoid it altogether, as well, at least in this country and the States. (I think they may be slightly more relaxed on mainland Europe, but I could be wrong).
There's nothing wrong with a couple of small glasses once a week. I drank the odd glass of wine with all three pregnancies. I waited until Trimester 2 though. Didn't feel like it until then anyway!
Thanks Allie, you're probably right although it's difficult giving up wine! Cigarettes have been easy, I threw out the pack straight away when I found out and haven't craved one since x
Personally I am steering clear of booze altogether in the first trimester but will have the odd glass after that - although it is virtually killing me!!!
I plan to have a glass here and there, I dont think it can do any harm, I think the problem was people were actually having more than was recommended, so the powers that be reduced the recommended amount, i think one or two glasses a week should be ok, but if someone knew otherwise i would stop altogether. I too stopped smoking it was tough, but grand now I have to say, thought of one makes me nauseated.
Yessss, re: smoking, I'm chuffed at the timing of my pregnancy as bars will be banning it from 1st July anyway so it's much easier to give up. They don't make me feel sick but I just feel so strongly that my baby is much more important than a stinky fag! x
i haven't had a drink since i found out and i miss my red wine a lot. the last time i was pg it made me really sick all the next day so i'm not gonna chance it. stopped smoking too, v proud!! :cheer: agree it's good timing for the new law but know as soon as i have a drink i'll be craving a smoke bad :twisted:
I've had about 4-5 small glasses of wine over the whole pregnancy, mostly in the first trimester and about 2-3 weeks apart. Since my husband agreed to stop with me I haven't touched any, which was wierd at first (I like a good drink!) but now I've gotten used to it and the smell even makes me feel drunk!
I do think that the odd glass is fine and the new 'no alcohol' recommendation is because they were worried people didn't understand the 1-2 unit rule and would go and get lashed!
I wanted to be able to have the odd glass of wine while i was pg, as I was unfortunate and pg over xmas and new year so i bought bucks fizz which in asdas is only 4% rather than normal wine at about 12% so would have a few glasses of that as a treat. Needless to say it didnt harm my baby in anyway
Not all babys of mums wo had alcohol during pregnancy are ill, but there is actuually a link between alcohon assumption and miscarriages/illnesses.
Some of them have mentioned "some glasses of wine during a weekend".
I really recommend you to have not more than one glass of wine per evening (only during the meal).
Of course, the choice is yours but I am a biologist ad i have done lot of research on the effects of alcohl.
When i will be pregnant i will keep on drinking as i do now , but not more than one glass per evening.
The official line is NO ALCOHOL at all.

I was also told that alcohol has been linked to miscarriage, and as a mum of 3 angels i have chosen to avoid it all together... so far so good :cheer: I was never a big drinker anyway but i would have an odd notion for a wee wine now and then... You can get Alcohol free stuff now too...

I have to agree with Sardinia..... there is research to support a link, I don't however agree that one glass a night is ok. ( My brother also a bio-chemist done research into effects on embryo's, Sorry not what people want to hear...but people need answers to help progress).....Personal choice i guess.....but there is also a link to drinking more than two small cups of tea, coffee, coke or anything with Caffine in it to miscarriage.. so please be careful your not drinking too much of this either... :roll: You'd think that was harmless eh?

I have a bottle of wine sitting in my fridge waiting for me.. and i am looking forward to the toast when my baby gets here! :cheer:

Hope this information Helps As is always best to make informed choices..
Not just go along with, 'well everyone does it, I'll be fine.'

OH YEAH! huge congratulations to ALL who gave up Smoking ! ! :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
My mum was advised by her Gynos to have a glass of Guinness everyday when she was pregnant with me as it was good for her...And I was born healthy, fit and bouncing. She had multiple pgs that ended tragically and was refered to Hammersmith hospitals special pregnancy unit at the time and it was these top class Gynos that told her this, I wonder if they would say the same today? :think:

Spanish women regulary drink wine throughout their pregnancies with their meals and it seems that EVERY Spanish woman is pg atm (literally there really must be something in the water!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: ) and Spain doesn't have an un naturally large amount of birth defects, anymore than other EU countries.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is only really related to women who drink heavily and/or consistantly, i.e. everyday, throughout their pregnancies. I do drink the odd glass of wine at the weekends and I don't really miss drinking heavily at all, and really, feeling cra*py like I do all the time, I don't really want to mix alcohol into that equation...I already spend way too much time in the toilet.

Quiting smoking, as with my first pg, has been a complete doddle, the minute I get pg (almost within a day of conception) the taste of ciggies change and make me violently ill. I can't be around smokers without wanting to throw up on them (poor OH he's having more trouble quiting, he makes me wanna :puke: everytime he kisses me, heheheheh).

Although I would love to have a small sweet little baby (my daughter was 8lb 9oz and 56cm at birth) the health concerns with smoking and drinking heavily in pg and miscarrage, still borns and cot death arn't worth it. Big healthy babies are much more fun. :cheer:
Squiglet said:
My mum was advised by her Gynos to have a glass of Guinness everyday when she was pregnant with me as it was good for her...And I was born healthy, fit and bouncing. She had multiple pgs that ended tragically and was refered to Hammersmith hospitals special pregnancy unit at the time and it was these top class Gynos that told her this, I wonder if they would say the same today? :think:

Spanish women regulary drink wine throughout their pregnancies with their meals and it seems that EVERY Spanish woman is pg atm (literally there really must be something in the water!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: ) and Spain doesn't have an un naturally large amount of birth defects, anymore than other EU countries.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is only really related to women who drink heavily and/or consistantly, i.e. everyday, throughout their pregnancies. I do drink the odd glass of wine at the weekends and I don't really miss drinking heavily at all, and really, feeling cra*py like I do all the time, I don't really want to mix alcohol into that equation...I already spend way too much time in the toilet.

Quiting smoking, as with my first pg, has been a complete doddle, the minute I get pg (almost within a day of conception) the taste of ciggies change and make me violently ill. I can't be around smokers without wanting to throw up on them (poor OH he's having more trouble quiting, he makes me wanna :puke: everytime he kisses me, heheheheh).

Although I would love to have a small sweet little baby (my daughter was 8lb 9oz and 56cm at birth) the health concerns with smoking and drinking heavily in pg and miscarrage, still borns and cot death arn't worth it. Big healthy babies are much more fun. :cheer:
Well, i hope that all doctors that tell pregnant women to drink a guinness would GET FIRED!!!! Incredible!
:? :?

I have to say, that i agree with you on the fact that Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is related mainly to women who drink heavily and/or consistantly. Even so, i dont drink a lot normally, but if i didnt decide "I will stop altogehter" how can u keep a track of what you are drinking.
We all know that there is a very small line between sober/drunk. Some people cannot stop after one glass of red wine, so the government is saying to everyone STOP ALTOGETHER.

I am not spanish but Italian, but we have similar drinking habits.
Also in italy the government tell women not too drink.
Some do stop, some dont, but if they dont, normally they have only one small drink (aperitivo).
In England, we have to admit, have a look in london (i was in croydon few weekends ago), pregnant women , if they are in a pub with friend, dont stop.
I've just come back from Glastonbury where I had a half of beer (ale rather than lager) every day - 2 yesterday.

I didn't want more than that and enjoyed all the smoothies and juices etc, but it was nice to have a beer in the afternoon, and it was my own informed choice.

I also had a couple of proper coffees a day which I really fancied to keep warm and keep going in all the mud, which was pretty exhausting. I have been avoiding caffeine, largely because I haven't really fancied it, but week 11 now and my diet's pretty much back to normal. However my midwife told me there was no reason to avoid caffeine on baby's behalf.

I also managed the 10 mile bike ride between the station and the site just fine on Thurs and this morning :cheer:

Honestly say I feel much better today than I ever have since becoming pregnant. I think if you know your body and generally look after yourself in terms of balanced diet and exercise then you're doing the best you can for both of you and there's no reason to be made to feel guilty. Having said that, I'm not planning on drinking regularly, but I feel happy to have 1-2 units on one-off occasions.

I'm sure that Guinness is great :D in ireland when you give blood you get a glass of guinness afterwards, partly because it doesn't do any harm, partly because of the high iron content.

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