

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I keep having weird dreams.

The latest one has shaken me up a bit as well :shock:

Last night I had a dream that my baby is here and I keep leaving it places and forget to feed it and change it's nappy!

Lol I had one the other night where he was wriggling so much I couldn't hold him and ended up juggling him instead....weird!

As awful as they can be some dreams are really funny xxxxxxxxxxx
I've had this one too. I think they're pretty common anxiety dreams. I keep having dreams where I can't feed the baby because he's either the size of a 2 year old at birth or some sort of big cat cub! LOL
i had these earlier on in my pregnancy they are just your mind dealing with your subconscious and all the crap we worry about during the day (even if ur not consciously doing it) they soon stop hun xx
I got them bad with my first, they where just plain wierd. Now im having onea about giving birth in the strangest of places! Sometimes i have to wake up and poke my belly check im still pregnant :lol: xx
i was having great ones in tri 2 mainly due to my obsession with the tv programme supernatural. cant recall having any recently tho...
I had a great one just over a month ago - about going into labour at 30 weeks, and giving birth in a barn. First 'bit' of bubs to come out was a hand which waved to all the random people who were there. Baby was also a boy called Josh, even though we're team

When I woke up - I realised 30 weeks put me square over CHRISTMAS!! lol

I know - makes you wonder what they hell was going through my head - needless to say - up till now i didnt share that strange dream with anyone else. lol
I had a very real dream last night. I had my baby. It was 2 days after my due date so was the 27th. A boy and it was 8lb5. Be so wierd if this actually happened!xx
The other night I had a dream I gave birth to the baby in a car that'd been cut in half.

Then I had a nap this afternoon. Dreamt I was doing an ultrasound on someone's abdominal aneurysm and it was rupturing (bleeding - lots!).

I casually took my time walking up to one of my nurse colleagues telling her to put out an emergency call but to tell them it wasn't a real emergency just had to make the call to say we did.

I didn't do anything for the man just let him die because it was futile. Then the doctors burst in and I said nah don't bother. Then I turned around and David Cameron was sitting on the other couch watching me. So RANDOM, I swear I'm not that corrupt!

I've seen quite a few people come in looking well enough die suddenly I think I've let it get to me a bit.
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