Bad and vivid dreams...


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Is anyone else finding that their dreams are getting really weird?

I keep waking up in the night with hot sweats.

Last night I dreamt that I was on a pier in a bad storm and the sea ripped it up and capsized us...

The night before I dreamt that my house was haunted and that someone kept prodding me in the back and tapping me when i was half asleep though the house in my dream wasn't even my house :shock:

Anyone else suffering from this or am I just strange? :rotfl:
You're just strange :rotfl:

I haven't had bad dreams (I hope I don't get them either) but I have had really vivid dreams, ones where I wake up and can rememebr everything!! Usually I remember the vague jist of the dream and thats it.

Last night I dreamt we got a new car, and it was flourescent yellow :shock: we drove it to a restaurant that we had bought and then sat in a private room watching everyone else eat...but they couldn't see us cos the walls from the outside (so to the diners) were just mirrors, and we were laughing at people adjusting their hair in the mirrors whilst their OH's went off to the loo's?!?!?

Bizarre...but not 'that' frightening - other than the colour of the car :rotfl: :rotfl:

I do sometimes dream I am having a wee :oops: and wake up thinking I have actually wet the bed :oops: I never have but it makes me get up and pay a visit to make sure i don't. :shhh:
Around 24 weeks I was having really horrible dreams that my o/h was cheating on me & it'd upset me for the entire day!!
Kat@girlracer said:
Around 24 weeks I was having really horrible dreams that my o/h was cheating on me & it'd upset me for the entire day!!

Oooh yeah...I had that too.....he was dream mean to me twice & then he dream cheated on me :shakehead: :shakehead: he did apologise for it too the next day when he got to the bottom of why I was in such a fowl mood with him :lol:
Yes. I dreamt the other night Hubby had to go into space like the film Armageddon and I was going "they can't send you now I'm due in two weeks time"....

Funny though because a few days later we found out they (the RAF) are trying to send him to Basra in February - 3 days after the due date for four months!!

Premonition do you think????
maybe so, that's spooky.

Saying that though after my dreams of rough seas last night, on the news this morning it was saying about sea problems in the north sea last night due to bad sea storms :shock:

Maybe pg is making us psychic :rotfl:
Your not strange Kirly!! :hug:

A week or so before I had Zac I dreamt I gave birth to my baby and it had a mouth full of crooked teeth it was hideous!

I think it must be something to do with the hormones babe
Ha ha!
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I had a really really vivid dream that I had gone into labour, and I was standing in this (delivery?) room in the hospital, and one of the midwives or doctors told me I had to be examined, and I wouldn't take my pants off! I really just did NOT want to take my pants off in a room full of strangers.
I wondered whether this was a real, but subconscious concern, but actually when it came to it- I don't even remember at what point I took my pants off- I don't know if anybody does. It just seemed like a really big thing in my dream.
I've been having what I think may be quite alarming dreams with this one, but they fade away within minutes of waking, so I couldn't say what they're about.

There was a few of us last week having strange dreams, I remember Jaidys crooked toothed baby!!

I dreamt we fired my dog Tilly into space in a capsule from our fridge, and also I saw a girl from work, who had had her eyeballs pierced with cocktails sticks!! :shock: she looked so strainge she couldnt look from side to side :shock: :rotfl:
Kat@girlracer said:
Around 24 weeks I was having really horrible dreams that my o/h was cheating on me & it'd upset me for the entire day!!

same here ive had dreams like that and they really upset me
Kat@girlracer said:
Around 24 weeks I was having really horrible dreams that my o/h was cheating on me & it'd upset me for the entire day!!
i had a dream like that too and woke up in a mood with my OH and he didnt no why lol

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