Dream feeds


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Tyler's being hugely erratic as to when/if he'll take a bottle of expressed milk and I read a story online about a woman who would dream feed their baby the expressed milk and eventually he'd drink it when awake.
What do u ladies think?
Isn't dream feeding a bit cruel??

I don't think it's cruel at all. Will he have trouble doing that with a bottle if he's not used to it.
I don't know? At the moment my OH is dying to take me out so we've arranged staying at my mums so she can babysit and we can go out (I'm
not hugely comfortable about doing it but it's gotta be done) I'd feel better if she could feed him in some way! Surely it's worth a try?

I understand why people think its cruel, kind of like force feeding, but we have done it from the start and my LO has got on really well with it.

I love that feed (yes we are STILL doing it) as she is all snuggly and content during it, usually she is such a wriggly bum during the day so feeds are a nightmare.

If it helps them sleep (and you) a bit longer then there is nothing wrong with it, babies need their sleep, and I think it has contributed to my LO being the great sleeper that she is.
To be honest even with dream feeding, if they don't want/need it they won't take it - this is my experience anyway. I only attempt a dream feed if I know Sophia hasn't drank enough during the day. I offer her a dream feed just before I go to bed and if she wants/needs it then se takes it, if not she wont an I just put her back down.

I would say its worth a try and see if he takes to it that way x
I think it's worth a try. My OH's sister BF both of her kids, but the first one wouldn't take a bottle at all. So that's how she tried to get her onto a bottle and it worked. I think they must just be less aware of what's going on when they're sleepy/asleep so they don't make a fuss.

We tried dream feeds with Caleb but he won't take a bottle unless he's really awake most of the time. So now when I go to bed, I wake him up properly, feed him and change them then he'll go straight back to sleep xx
If yours is a light sleeper I'm not sure, I make sure the lights are dimmed, everything ready, take the cap off the bottle in another room then put a bib on her while she is still in her cot, then lift her up. If one eye opens then a wee shhhh is usually all it takes. Even if they do wake up I put her down again awake and she is happy to go back to sleep herself.
Hmm I dunno I've never tried to pick him up when he's in a deep sleep! Gonna try tonight I think.


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