Dreading telling the inlaws tonight

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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We told them early with my last pregnancy, and they were not all that bothered. My husband is one of 4 and they already have 10 grandchildren but it is our first child! His Dad said "I'm losing track of all these babies" and his mum asked how I was doing and when I said I had a lot of pain and sickness she said "Yes, but you are quite precious arent you, you feel every twinge".

When we then miscarried at 10 weeks I really wished that we had never even told them. All they said about MC was "Och well, life goes on".

However, we are now 11 weeks (tomorrow) and its his mums birthday tonight and so we are going out for dinner and OH really really wants to tell them. Personally I would rather wait til after 12 week scan, but I told my mum weeks ago so I guess I cant say no.

Just dreading it! What if they are dismissive again? I think I will walk out in tears....
Hmm, does his mother like attention? Because if you tell them you're expecting on her birthday.. she might get a bit 'annoyed' that you're sharing her attention?

That's the only way I think they could be dismissive so don't worry. She might even love the good news on her birthday? I'm sure that they will be happy for you both if they see their son is happy, that's what they should want. xxx
Aww chick :hug: They sound a bit rotten x

Try and remember that no matter what they do/say/think, this is YOUR special baby, and nothing anyone else says is gonna change it x

People are twats sometimes, MIL's especially!! But ultimately you'll need tot ell them at some point, and if they dismiss it its totally their loss! It shouldn't make it any less special for you and your OH x

I know how you feel though, the general consensus from my OH's family when I fell PG was "Oh....Thats a shame.." though both OH and I are now really excited, everyone else doesn't really seem to care x And as much as it hurt my feelings, I'm trying not to let it matter xx

My MIL is an evil cow...but thats another story! x
I remember you being upset about it last time around and to be perfectly honest i wouldn't expect their reaction to be any different the second time around :(

I think you are just going to have to except it for what it will be and if it will make you feel badly you'll just have to tell hubby that and try to come to some compromise.

Maybe you can talk him into putting it off or maybe he will agree to tell them when you're not in the same room or something?

Please try not to let it get to you :hug:
Always get me that people can be so dismissive of news which is a major event for you. I hope all goes well for you anyway. It's like ripping off a plaster you're going to have to do it sooner or later. If they are funny about it tell um to stuff it up their jumpy :D
how did it go?? hope they were nicer this time around! xxxx
A bit nicer, they said they were pleased at least. But have left me feeling really low with all their negative doom and gloom. I said we were waiting til the scan at 13 weeks before we tell everyone else, and they said "Oh no, not even then! Don't tell anyone for quite a while yet, we'll pray for you but you know after last time you should be very cautious about getting excited".

I was kind of beginning to relax with getting to 11 weeks and all, but now I feel all depressed that it could still all go wrong again. Why can't they just be happy and leave it at that?
What are they like?? Just you have your scan and get excited like everyone else does - nothing is going to happen this time around - why should it?? When you have your scan, go ahead and tell the world - thats the milestone we all wait for so there is no reason for you not to have this either! Its always a worry, you then wait till 16 weeks, then 20 weeks and so on..... Cant wait to see your pics!!
Aw Tracey I so miss the sage advice you and Louise always give. Really down to earth :hug:

Do you know what? I will! I will bloody well ignore them and get excited! (next week, though, not yet, lol) x
As mentioned previously jumper up stuff, nuff said. You do and say what u want when u want.
ah stuff them hun! In -laws? Who'd have them???
Do you know what? I will! I will bloody well ignore them and get excited! (next week, though, not yet, lol) x

Good :good:

I'm super excited for you, not a doubt in my mind that everything is going to be perfect :hug:
Star my MIL told me she didn't want to know when I told her! So I know how u feel! X
You are joking! Why for goodness sake? Is this in case you lose it again?
When my future MIL and FIL were told by my OH all they could say is they wanted us married before the baby was here and his dad wanted the money we owe them back ASAP. No congratulations or nothing. Seeing as My OH is an only child this will be their first grandchild and I'm the only one to give them one, you would have thought they would be more excited. Also the next day they came round ours for dinner and didn't say a word to me about it.

I think now 3 weeks later they are getting slightly better, asking if I'm OK due to the sickness. I think you just have to ignore them and wait til they are ready to except it.

I can't believe ur MIL mrsmc, that is shocking to be told that :shock:
My MIL kicked me out the house...and cancelled her wedding, told everyone I got pregnant to ruin her wedding!! Utter psycho!!
OH MY STARS! MrsMc, Kanga, Flugel! Mine dont seem bad at all compared to yours! Blimey, I feel terrible that your misery has cheered me up no end, but seriously that sounds so awful its funny xx
lol Starfish :) I;m glad it's cheered you up, my MIL just makes me laugh now! :lol: She's a total twat x

She decided that my having a baby was going to detract attention from her...a whole month before the baby is even due!! :shock: x

She said "stupid little bitch is pregnant" and basically told all her friends and family that I got pregnant on purpose o ruin her wedding and trap her son...

Craaaaaaaazzzy lady alert!! :lol: x
Trap her son!! We've been together 5 years and were planning on mving in together baby or not heh xx

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