Dreading going back to work


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2007
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I really am dreading going back to work. It breaks my heart to think that someone else will see more of my baby than I will, I can't bare to leave her :cry: :cry:

I'm not due to go back until January / February time, but the though of leaving her every day upsets me so much, to the extent where I think about it every day, and it's kind of ruining the time I have left with her :(

Does anyone work from home? If so, what do you do? I have had a look online at jobs, but I always woder if they are genuine or not. Has anyone got any ideas?
It did think about becoming a child minder, but not sure I'd qualify, as I live in 1st floor flat (it is technically a masonette as it has an upstairs, and we're only in a small block of 12 flats)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to miss my little chicken growing up :cry:


P.s sorry if I seem selfish, I know work is an evil necessity, and I do want what's best for my little girl. I just want to be there for her.
:hug: I have no tips on the job ideas but just wanted to say that i am the same, even though its only gonna be MIL that has him when i go back and its not til next july i cant bear the thought of him being with someone other than me for that long each day! Im stupidly scared he'll forget me!xx
I know exactly how you feel :hug: .. i was dreading it too but i managed to negotiate a 4 day week. I know have tuesdays off so its like I have 2 weekends.

I looked into homeworking but we couldnt afford to lose my salary as a lot of them were either franchises or commission only. Try lookng at workingmums.co.uk website, it has lots of jobs advertised there and was set up especially for mums who wanted more flexible working.

re the childminding I'm not 100% sure but I'm not sure you'd have enough space, one of my friends has just completed her course and she has to have certain things ie sleeping areas etc
I think most people feel like this to be honest, it did spoil some of my maternity leave too as I couldn't stop worrying about it.

It was awful when I went back but that was down to my work being difficult about hours/days and me not liking my job or colleagues. Happily now I'm about to start a new job, much nearer home with more family friendly hours and its a new challenge. When I went back, I didn't really miss DD as much as I expected to and had found (paid for) childcare that I'm really happy with.

I know its easier said than done, but please try to enjoy the rest of your leave, enjoy those morning snuggles and just spending time with your tiny baby.

Valentine Xxx
Thank you for the kind words everyone, and hugs to all that feel the same :hug: :hug:

Congratulations on the new job Valentine, I hope it goes well for you.

I'll try not to let it bother me, but its hard. I feel like crying when I think about it, which is about 90% of the day :cry: I even miss her when she goes to bed! :(

:hug: :hug:
I feel the same way :hug: :hug: I'm due to go back in April and I'm already feeling anxious about it. I would like to stretch it out until June and take the full 12 months, but I'm not sure we could manage it. :( I hope you are able to find something you can do from home. :hug:
I was exactly the same when I was on maternity leave with my son. I spent the majority of my leave worrying and getting upset about going back to work and leaving him. I worried that he would forget who I was, that I would miss out on his firsts etc etc. I negotiated with work that I would go back 4 days, I have a Friday off which made me feel better, 4 at work 3 with Jacob - a better balance.

From my experience, I can honestly say that the thinking about going back to work is worse than the doing it. It's not easy and I won't pretend that it is, the first day leaving him was horrible, I had the biggest lump in my throat and I cried on the way to work. You will all be fine though I promise, you will end up enjoying your time spent with adults and being a person rather than just being a mummy all the time. It's great coming home from a day at work to a little person who is so excited to see you - Jacob used to wave his little arms and legs in excitement when I came home :D

Re: becoming a childminder, have a look on this website for your local Family Information Service www.childcarelink.gov.uk they will be able to talk to you about becoming a childminder and the training that you will need to undertake.

Thank you :hug:

Thank you for the link Lindsay, I will have a look at that when I get a moment. :)

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