Drake Anthony Sutton


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Hi all, thought it was about time to do my birth story!

Friday morning woke up with my husband Lee to see him off to work and nodded off on the sofa. 8am i woke up to wake up my boys and i was busting for the loo, i rushed for the loo and water was just coming out of me..running down my legs and all over the bathroom floor! I thought it didn't seem like pee as i couldn't control it. Anyways, got the boys up and started getting pains, quite nippy ones too. As i was getting the boys ready for school i was getting these pains around every 2 minutes, some were really painfull and some were manageable. Decided to phone Lee and tell him that i think i should get to the hospital as i know my labours are quick. He dropped the bombshell that he was just leaving bristol and would be back in about an hour..i thought uh oh, i'm not sure if i'm gonna make it! I decided that the boys needed to be in school before i make up my mind with what to do. Josh went off on his bus and i drove Dominic down to his..pains and all lol I managed to get back but decided that i needed to go in and i was in too much pain to drive myself. So i got my neighbour to take me in, in the meantime Lee wanted me to tell him when i got to the hospital if i was actually in labour before he left work to come down (he's got a new job and on a 3 month trial so could only take one day off and that was for when i go into labour).

So got to the hospital, was examined and i had a bloody show. The midwife had said my hind waters had gone and my cervix was ready but i wasn't dilated but to get my husband here as i'd be having my baby this afternoon! Phoned lee to tell him and he came after 30 minutes thank f**k. After about what seemed like an absolute while the pains were near enough straight on top of each other and nothing was easing it! No rocking, standing..nada. So they gave me 2 paracetemol and took me to the delivery suite. At last i get gas and air!!!!!!! She examined me again and said i was 6-7 cm dilated (i was gutted, i was in so much pain i thought it was time for him to come) so she said she'd break the rest of my waters and see how we go. She done that and i couldn't bear the pain anymore..told him he was coming and she said your not ready yet..but i felt him coming down!! I heard her say to the other midwife about the blood loss and the urine (apparently these are signs to them that the babys head is coming down) and i pushed his head out!! The rest of my little boy followed and He needed oxygen as he was in shock (you and me both buster!) but he was ok and was placed on me skin to skin for the next hour to keep him warm as he was a bit cold.

I just couldn't stop looking at him! He was full of dark hair, my husband is blond and my other sons are blond and blue eyes and i'm dark with brown eyes so i was chuffed he was dark like me! His back was even covered in black hair, so cute!

So after 2 hours 15 minutes and 6 minutes of gas and air in '3rd stage labour' my little 6lb 1oz angel was with me. I can quite possibly say that that was the most painful out of the lot of all my labours! Because it happened so quick! But i'm absolutely over the moon he made it to 37 weeks and we're all besotted with him. My kids are infatuated and I feel such an ache in my heart every time i look at him...i love this little guy so so much already.

So there's my story, sorry its been a long one! I really wish all the rest of you the best...there's no other feeling in the world quite like this one and the rush of love you feel when you see and hold them is incredible.

Click on the link there should be a photo..ive made it public so hopefully you can see it! More to follow soon xx

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Awww thats a great story!! Well done u getting kids to bus stops before u went in!! xx Congratulations hun xxxxxxx
Wow what a quick labour! Lol. Well done and congrats on your lo! X
Aw well done honey! x x sounds like you did fantastically x I'll even forgive the queue jumping! Lol! Congrats x
Fantastic birth story hun! Drake is such a cutie!!! Huge congrats again! x x
awwww emma i cant belive you have your little Drake!! wohoo!! im so jelous!! :love:
well done you, he is soooo cute and your birth story made me cry xxxxx
Well done and congrats hunni xxx

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He is so cutie - well done. I was really looking forward to your birth story and it was great!! Keep us informed xx
Please can we have a couple pics on here, I don't have face book so can't admire your little man! :-( x
Will do my best Hun, pc is playing up so having to do them from the iPhone for now. Took some cracking ones this morning and can't wait to show him off! Will get on it tomorrow x

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