Downs screening

I am still undecided about the test even after reading the NHS booklet. I think the fact that it stated that 25% of tests dont detect a baby with downs makes me wonder if the potential worry is worth it. I will love this baby regardless. I asked hubby what he thinks, but he hasnt been forthcoming with an opinion yet. Got a few weeks to decide, so I will ponder more.
Remember also that this test is only for downs syndrome. I work with children with special needs and out of a caseload of around 200 I think we have about 6 preschool children with Downs. Youre not guaranteeing a 'perfect' baby. And also remember that from what I know of Downs syndrome, I dont believe these kids 'suffer'. Unlike if you had a baby with some health conditions which require huge amounts of medical intervention for life, its not really the same thing.
If anyones facing this kind of decision Im more than happy to talk to you about Downs syndrome and child development/what you might expect etc.. just PM me.

Also the downs syndrome association helpline take calls from people who are trying to make decisions during pregnancy, theyre not just for families who have a child with downs syndrome. They'll give you all the facts, not sure how biased theyd be but Id like to think they will remain neutral and respect any parents decisions
Hi girls, Just posting for info really, and another viewpoint - I had the abdominal CVS test, which is the earlier version of the Amnio, where they take the placaenta tissue instead of fluid, has to be done before 14 weeks, so we were just in time, and the Amnio they said would be from 15 weeks onwards. Either have a 2-3 percebt ish chance of miscarridge.

I had never been tested before with my other 3 kids, and now am 37 so wanted to be tested, I came back as a 1 in 9 risk of an issue, so went ahead with testing, as that's far far higher than the MC risk, and too high in my book to overlook.

There are three big Chromo issues - other than downs syndrome, there are some real life stopping chromosonal issues that the test also shows, reading the information given, the only major one is livabale - downs (trisomy 21), Trisomy 18 is Edwards syndrome, many babys don't survive birth or their first year and also the same for Trisomy 13.

I have the all clear from the above, and waiting back for the fll results, which can take 2-3 weeks to be done. They include lots of things including many very workable conditions eg cystic fybrosis, fragile X etc, so fingers crossed.

I fully understand most views on here are that Termination is awful and out of the question for most, but it was aways an option for us, for the big three issues, I would have to live with that awful descision forever, and not pursue any other children if the case, but I have my children to think about to, a downs baby is that they really may outlive me, I cannot decide on this baby for any future impact for my current children based on this we were tested.

Just thought I would add another veiwpoint to the mix , thanks girls X

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