It was excellent. Parking was awful, last time I went down there it wasn't that bad but this time was awful and they changed all the parking meters to pay by card/phone. Opps! LOL
The clinic was nice though, very clean although the stairs down freaked me out a bit! LOL I hate glass staircases.
Reception was lovely and the waiting area is nice too. I filled in my paper work and waited, I think they were about 5 minutes behind.
A lovely young Dr called me into an ultrasound room, explained everything to me in detail, answered my questions and then we did the scan. He was really good at explaining what he was doing and what he was seeing. Baby was wriggling all over the place so the only decent picture we got was this one;
And we got to hear the heartbeat too, which was nice.
When the scan was over, filled in more paper work and then went back to the waiting room until I was called in to have my blood taken. Then back to the waiting room to be called over by reception to pay.
I go back on the 12th May for the results, but they said I was welcome to call on the Friday/Saturday before to see if my results were in as I was so worried about them. And we opted to find out the gender after all, so should get that back then too.
All in all a great experience and I can't wait for the next 11 days to hurry up! LOL