down syndrme testing


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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i just wondered if anyone knew what was involvd with the test for down syndrome and how safe it was???
i think the main test if it offered in your area is the nucheal scan with a blood test tells u what percentage your risk is and then your offerd a amnio which is higher risk i didnt want testing but im sure someone who has had it will be along soon
^^^^ as above, I think they will offer to look at the amount of fluid behind the baby's neck (nuchal fold I think) and do a blood test to work out your risk percentage then an amnio test will be offered x I declined downs screening too so I'm not 100% on details x there's a risk with amnio test but no risk with blood/scan x x
yes i am not keen on any sort of testing but my husband would like to so im unsure will speak to midwife i think x
NHS always offer triple test i think which is blood test at 16 weeks - no risk at all and will give you your odds eg 1 in xxxx

Nuchal scan can be done with blood test (mostly privately I think) to give more accuarate odds - again no risk. Done between 11-14 weeks.

If your odds are high or if you want a definate result, you can do CVS (where they take a sample of the placenta). Gives a def answer with some risk - up to 2% risk of mc.

other option for a def result is the amino where they take a sample of fluid to check - some risk - 0.5-1% risk of mc

Hope this is helpful
karen xxx
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I've been offered a scan to detect this as well.I said yes and then when I told my OH, he said he didnt want it.... He booked a day off for the midwifes appt and then coulnt be arsed to come. Serves him right really but I'm going to turn it down at the hospital and say we've changed our mind. There's nothing we can do about it if its a high risk and its no where near certain so no need to give ourselves extra worry.

we have had all the blood tests on offer and it will tell us if high or low risk if a high risk then we can have further tests which will mean an injection into the stomach to remove the amniotic fluid which can cause miscarriage, we are obvs not doing this unless high risk.
i said yes to the testing and my oh wasnt sure, i just wanted to be prepared if i am high risk, it would be a life changing thing, and if i could prepare a little b4 baby comes then to me thats all i can do,

i would never dream of getting rid of the little one, but i just cant describe why i just think i could / would deal with it better if i were to know b4 i gave birth,

The amnio test is optional, it does present a risk of miscarriage but a very small one of around 1 %. Not all trusts carry out the nucheal scan and they just do a blood test at around 15 weeks. So if you decide to have the blood test and it comes back with a high result, you still have a choice of whether you want further tests. The hospital will talk to you about this and give you advise hun xxx
I'm sure you'll get bloods taken at some point, and depending on those results you'll then be offered other tests. My practice where I'll do my work experience (I'm going to be a midwife) normally offer a nucheal scan as well as an amnio. I wouldn't ever opt for an amnio though unless absolutely necessary, as the risks I think just aren't worth it. Hope this helps xxx
I've just had mine don't as hubby auntie has downs I asked for it but it is offered to everyone they just take some blood at 16 weeks and measure the hcg levels coz downs and spina bifida have bight levels mine just came back low and there is no risk to baby they told me if it was high the next step would be to take fluid from around the baby for a definate awnser with risk of miscarriage at 12% but luckily I don't need to do that :D x

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