Do's and Don'ts


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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Hi Girls,

Am starting to get confused over what we can and cant eat...

so far i know i cant have:-

soft cheese like bree

But i heard that prawns are ok if they are shelled and washed...

anythign else i am missing out on?
Raw eggs/fresh mayo

Regular vitamin tablets (too much vitamin A)

Hot baths

Packet salads (wash them yourself)

They used to say no prawns, but I reckon if you do them yourself and make sure they are fresh and well cooked you should be OK.

They also say whippy ice cream but I have it :oops:
Not too much caffeine either... So limit coffee tea etc and I would have thought energy drinks like red bull are a no no.
Anything unpasturised
Homemade mayonaise (shop bought is ok)
Raw Eggs
Fresh Cream
Soft Cheese
To many sugary foods
Fatty Foods
Liver (or liver products)

There are so many things ive read & heard what not do do & eat its crazy. Ive decided not to do any of the above just to stay on the "safe side" however i have also spoken to lots of woman who have had the above and hasnt effected them.
Im trying not to follow a big list as i get really confused easily so trying to use common sence (not easy when you get confused easily!) . My DH has been pretty good in making me lunch and telling me what i should and shouldn't be eating!
Thank you for all your advice!

didnt know about hot baths and cream!
Wow, I know all this stuff, but reading it through is so :cry:
Hot baths? :shock:

I have one every weekend. Oh well, sorry Maurice.
liver, not that i had it anyway

my midwife told me not to have prawns, i told her id been having them and never knew, and she said its any shellfish because theres a higher risk of gastroenteritis. i suppose if you know for sure theyre totally fresh youd be ok? but dont take my word for it, i know nothing.
I just ate a chewy nut bar which had 18% peanuts in it...... and I knew about the peanuts first. What a rebel!!
Easy way to remember it is...

Anything that makes life remotely interesting or pleasant is banned... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Don't be too obsessional about it though... cos it will ruin your pregnancy and tbh in about three years time the advice would have changed, the peanut one is currently under review right now. There are things they tell you not to eat now, that I was told I could eat with DD 8 years ago, and she popped out just fine.

Midwives here in Spain are less strict.. I was just told to make sure all my food was cooked properly and thoroughly and ensure my meat/fish/veg etc was fresh, that's it.. just to avoid raw things like eggs and fish. I never got this long list of things I could not eat... I even have a diet plan that has swordfish and prawns on it so... meh? who knows.. :think:
I try not to get myself too stressed out about what I can/cant eat.

The reason you cant eat certain foods is so you dont get food poisoning, for example shellfish, raw eggs.

With liver/offal, rare meat and unwashed salads its because they are a high risk food for listeria.

At the end of the day I think if youre sensible with your basic food hygine then some of the stuff is okay to eat. I've been eating prawns that I have cooked myself but not from a restaurant, same with salads. As for eggs just make sure there cooked thoroughly, same with the meat.

As with peanuts I bloody love em and have been eating them, my midwife said only to avoid them if hubby or myself have any allergies, which we dont so theyre safe to eat.

Try not to get too wrapped up in what you can/cannot do & eat, its unnecesary srtess, just be sensible.
debecca said:
Hot baths? :shock:

I have one every weekend. Oh well, sorry Maurice.

I think they say up to 36C is ok. Anything *hot* hot is not good for baby developing in the womb. But they say steam baths and the sort you sit in for extended periods of time are far worse.

However, I love a hot soak in the tub but since finding this out in early pregnancy I've avoided anything overly hot (ie that turns your skin reddish)

Its to do with the water temp raising your core body temp and this is not good for baby apparently.
freepie said:
soft cheese like bree

But i heard that prawns are ok if they are shelled and washed...

I eat prawns on occasion. Washed and cooked throughly. I don't eat them cold. Its unpasturised cheese you need to avoid. You can eat pasturised cheeses.

Pate is because of the liver in it. That's actually what you need to avoid as its very high in vitamin A.

I'd just be sensible. If its pasturised/washed/cooked through I'd not worry too much. If its unpasturised/not washed/raw or part cooked I'd leave it alone.
Sherlock said:
Its unpasturised cheese you need to avoid. You can eat pasturised cheeses.

And mould ripened cheeses - because of the higher risk of them containing listeria.
Not that it's stopped me eating my body weight in Brie :oops:
You can't eat fresh cream? I didn't know that....

My latest literature says to avoid "excessive cinnamon". A tsp is apparently excessive...but it doesn't say if this is in an hour, a day or what.....
I didnt know either about the fresh cream!!

:cry: I LOVE SUSHI! I will miss it!! :(

I am posting some other do's and don'ts below, so check them:

Soft, unpasteurized cheeses like feta, Brie, Camembert, and goat — as well as ready-to-eat meats like hot dogs and deli meats — may contain Listeria, bacteria that cause mild flu-like symptoms in most adults but can be very dangerous for unborn babies. Listeriosis, the infection caused by the bacteria, can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or severe illness or death of a newborn.

When made from pasteurized milk, cheddar, American, cottage, and cream cheeses, as well as yogurt, are all safe choices during pregnancy.

Food and Drinks to Avoid During Pregnancy
As mentioned earlier, avoid alcohol. No level of alcohol consumption is considered safe during pregnancy. Also, check with your doctor before you take any vitamins or herbal products. Some of these can be harmful to the developing fetus.

And although many doctors feel that one or two 6- to 8-ounce cups per day of coffee, tea, or soda with caffeine won't harm your baby, it's probably wise to avoid caffeine altogether if you can. High caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, so limit your intake or switch to decaffeinated products.

When you're pregnant, it's also important to avoid food-borne illnesses, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, which can be life-threatening to an unborn baby and may cause birth defects or miscarriage. Foods you'll want to steer clear of include:

soft, unpasteurized cheeses (often advertised as "fresh") such as feta, goat, Brie, Camembert, and blue cheese
unpasteurized milk, juices, and apple cider
raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including mousse and tiramisu
raw or undercooked meats, fish, or shellfish
processed meats such as hot dogs and deli meats (these should be well-cooked)
fish that are high in mercury, including shark, swordfish, king mackeral, or tilefish
If you've eaten these foods at some point during your pregnancy, try not to worry too much about it now; just avoid them for the remainder of the pregnancy. If you're really concerned, talk to your doctor.

About Fish. Fish and shellfish can be an extremely healthy part of your pregnancy diet — they contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, and are high in protein and low in saturated fat. But limit the types of fish you eat while pregnant because some contain high levels of mercury, which can cause damage to the developing nervous system of a fetus. Mercury, which occurs naturally in the environment, is also released into the air through industrial pollution and can accumulate in streams and oceans, where it turns into methylmercury. The methylmercury builds up in fish, especially those that eat other fish.

Because canned albacore (or white) tuna and tuna steaks are generally considered to be higher in mercury than canned light tuna, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that you eat no more than 6 ounces a week. A 2006 review by Consumer Reports, though, showed that some canned light tuna can contain levels of mercury even higher than that of white tuna. But the FDA maintains that the levels are safe if consumption of the fish is limited, and that the current recommendations should stand.

It can be confusing when recommendations from trusted sources differ. But since this analysis indicates that amounts of mercury in tuna may be higher than previously reported, some women may want to eliminate tuna from their diet while pregnant or when trying to become pregnant. Almost all fish and shellfish contain small amounts of mercury, but you can safely eat those with consistently low mercury levels (like salmon, shrimp, clams, and tilapia). Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about how much — and which fish — you can eat.

Managing Some Common Problems
Because the iron in prenatal vitamins and other factors may cause constipation during pregnancy, try to consume more fiber than you did before you became pregnant. Try to eat about 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Your best sources are fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain breads, cereals, or muffins.

Some people also use fiber tablets or drinks or other high-fiber products available at pharmacies and grocery stores, but check with your doctor before trying them. (Don't use laxatives while you're pregnant unless your doctor advises you to do so. And avoid the old wives' remedy — castor oil — because it can actually interfere with your body's ability to absorb nutrients.)

If constipation is a problem for you, your doctor may prescribe a stool softener. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, when increasing fiber intake, or you can make your constipation worse. One of the best ways to avoid constipation is to get more exercise. You should also drink plenty of water between meals each day to help soften your stools and move food through your digestive system. Sometimes hot tea, soups, or broth can help. Also, keep dried fruits handy for snacking.

Some pregnant women find that broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, and fried foods give them heartburn or gas. You can plan a balanced diet to avoid these foods. Carbonated drinks also cause gas or heartburn for some women, although others find they calm the digestive system.

If you're frequently nauseated, eat small amounts of bland foods, like toast or crackers, throughout the day. If nothing else sounds good, try cereal with milk or a sweet piece of fruit. To help combat nausea, you can also:

Take your prenatal vitamin before going to bed after you've eaten a snack — not on an empty stomach.
Eat a small snack when you get up to go to the bathroom early in the morning.
Suck on hard candy.
How to Know If You're Eating Well During Pregnancy
The key is to eat foods from the different food groups in approximately the recommended proportions. If nausea or lack of appetite cause you to eat less at times, don't worry — it's unlikely to cause fetal harm because your baby gets first crack at the nutrients you consume. And although it's generally recommended that a woman of normal weight gain approximately 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy (most gain 4 to 6 pounds during the first trimester and 1 pound a week during the second and third trimesters), don't fixate on the scale. Instead, focus on eating a good variety and balance of nutritious foods to keep both you and your baby healthy.

Source: ... nancy.html
ive gone all out on the rebel front tonight too
ive had prawn toast, prawn won ton soup, deep fried prawn won ton and skewered chicken in satay sauce (peanut)
and i had a hot bath earlier

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