Certainly no raspberry leaf tea BEFORE 30 weeks, but after that you can build it up gradually from one cup per day up to about 4-6 cups per day (do not infuse for more than 5 minutes), because it tones and strengthens your uterus, hopefully helping towards a shorter labour, but do be careful, because it can bring on contractions, as Cinderella said, but you kind of want this when you're about 40 weeks, anyway.

Also, avoid liver/pate, Fatty food (esp. animal fats), Salt, Carbonated/coloured drinks, and artificial sweeteners, esp. aspartame. (low cal, lite, or diet foods contain more of these, so this is your excuse to go whole fat/full cream). Apparently you really only need to avoid nuts if someone in your family has an allergy or intolerance to them, but the advice on this differs from doctor to doctor.
The best foods to eat are apples, broccoli, brown rice, canned sardines, cloves, garlic, herrings, kiwifruit, onions and walnuts. Also chickpeas green veges, and dried apricots, dates and raisins. I don't know why it';s dried apricots as opposed to fresh ones, but hey, thats what they say!

Also, carrots, spinach, oily fish, eggs (if they're wholly cooked, all the way through), dairy products, esp natural yoghurt, potatoes and peppers(capsican).
Also, if you have cravings, it's usually your body's way of telling you it lacks something that is in the thing that you crave, so as long as it's not harmful, eg shoe polish, or wallpaper glue, feel free to indulge!
As for hot baths, yes, I miss them, and I miss the sauna, but I'm compromising with a warm bath followed by a very quick hot shower.
I miss runny egg yolks more!
Love and Light