dont want to be a pest to the MW so thought i'd ask you girls what you think.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Well last week, I posted about some painful crampy feelings - after this I noticed my bump had changed shape and lots of people noticed and commented that they thought baby had dropped (not had it confirmed) so I put the cramping down to that and hardly had any since. Only painless tightenings. But last night, I was woken at 5am by terrible cramps in my back and lower abdomen that seemed to come in waves. They were so bad they had me in tears. they eased off arounf 6.30am and left me just feeling achy. That feeling has also eased off now.

I want to know what they are, but don't want to be a pest to the MW. What do you girls think?

Without wishing to sound like a numpty, were they definitely not trapped wind pains? I had them a few weeks ago and was in agony! Or painful Braxton Hicks?

Yep could be like wish says. I've had it too. Is baby still moving about ok?

I had trapped wind last night and every time the baby moved I was in agony. Of course he decided that yesterday would be a good day to be really active and didn't stop moving for a few hours!
I don't think it was trapped wind - I felt I needed the loo so I did go (TMI sorry) but the cramping still carried on after. I keep getting twinges since I've got up like baby is on my pelvic floor muscles. Her movements were as normal.

I'm such a worrier. Every little thing has me worried!

this is what i get sometimes, the pains make me gasp - it might be the position of baby, it feels like he is stabbing my cervix or something! And mine has moved down too.

I would mention it to midwife because i think my midwife is concerned my little one might be in an awkward position and i have a review tomorrow at hospital x
i get them to and im putting them down to braxtons i cant get over how sore they are lol im having mine a lot more now to which i dunno if its a good thing or not as im sure my body had practised enough haha i cant breath right somtimes wi mine and then they fade off.
I would talk to your Midwife about any pain but i get wind/period pain type of pains and at my midwife appointment baby was engaged so could just be the baby getting lower as it gets really uncomfy! xxx
I decided to call the MW and I explained the pains last night and the pains from last week and told her how my bump has changed shape and she seems to think it is the baby engaging and settling into my pelvis. Along with the decrease in heartburn and easier breathing and increased toilet trips I have been experiencing she seemed pretty certain. I have the consultant again on Friday so she told me to tell him and ask him to check.

Thanks for all the advice girls!


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